Bulkley, Charles.
A sermon preached at the evening-lecture in the Old Jewry on Sunday, November 18, 1753, on occasion of the death of the late Reverend James Foster, D.D. Who departed this life, November 5, 1753, in the 56th year of his age. By Charles Bulkley.
London : printed for John Noon at the White-Hart, near the Poultry, in Cheapside; and Thomas Field, at the Wheat-Sheaf, the corner of Pater-Noster-Row, 1753.
ESTC No. T3020.Grub Street ID 261236.
Bulkley, Charles.
A sermon preached at the evening-lecture in the Old Jewry, on Sunday, November 30, 1755, on occasion of the dreadful earthquake at Lisbon, Nov. 1, 1755. By Charles Bulkley.
London : printed for J. Payne, at Pope's Head in Pater-Noster Row, MDCCLVI. [1756].
ESTC No. T1262.Grub Street ID 176224.
Bulkley, Charles.
A vindication of my Lord Shaftesbury, on the subject of ridicule. Being remarks upon a book, intitled, Essays on the characteristics.
London : printed for John Noon, at the White-Hart, in Cheapside, near the Poultry, MDCCLI. [1751].
ESTC No. T13553.Grub Street ID 183942.
Bulkley, Charles.
A vindication of my Lord Shaftesbury, on the subjects of morality and religion. Being farther remarks on a book intitled, essays on the characteristics. By Charles Bulkley.
London : Printed for John Noon, at the White Hart, near the Poultry, in Cheapside; and R. Baldwin, at the Rose in Paternoster-Row, MDCCLII. [1752].
ESTC No. T178689.Grub Street ID 215577.
Bulkley, Charles.
An apology for human nature. By the late reverend and learned Charles Bulkley. With a prefatory address to William Wilberforce, Esq. by John Evans, A.M.
London : printed by C. Whittingham, for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church-Yard; T. N. Longman, Paternoster - Row; B. Crosby, Stationers' - Court; T. Knott, Lombard-Street; and J. Cottle, High-Street, Bristol, [1797].
ESTC No. T104113.Grub Street ID 157672.
Bulkley, Charles.
Catechetical exercises. By Charles Bulkley.
London : printed for J. Johnson, 1774.
ESTC No. N47167.Grub Street ID 31903.
Bulkley, Charles.
Discourses on the following subjects: Our Savior's conversation with the young ruler. The love of our neighbor. Christian perfection. Humility; and the temptations of a prosperous or affluent state. The imitation of God. The Kingdom of God. The nature and foundation of religious, christian and social worship. Christian sincerity. That religion and moral virtue consist in good affections. Religious knowledge. Charity as covering the multitude of sins. Christian privileges no just ground of hope. The confession and forgiveness of sins. The penitent thief. By Charles Bulkley.
London : printed for John Noon, at the White Hart, near the Poultry, in Cheapside, MDCCLII. [1752].
ESTC No. T104600.Grub Street ID 158109.
Bulkley, Charles.
Discourses on the parables of Our Blessed Saviour, and the miracles of his holy gospel. With occasional illustrations in four volumes. By Charles Bulkley. .
London : printed for the author; and sold by R. Horsfield, in Ludgate-Street; J. Johnson, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; F. Blyth, and W. Domville, at the Royal Exchange, 1771.
ESTC No. T104601.Grub Street ID 158110.
Bulkley, Charles.
Moral reflections on the history and character of Queen Esther. A sermon preached at Barbican, Sept. 13, 1761. On occasion of the marriage of ... King George III. ... By Charles Bulkley.
London : printed for C. Henderson, Messieurs Payne and Cropley, and T. Piety, and R. Griffiths, 1761.
ESTC No. T170141.Grub Street ID 207877.
Bulkley, Charles.
Notes on the philosophical writings of Lord Bolingbroke. In three parts. Part I. On the Creation of the World; the Credibility of the Mosaical and Old Testament History; the Nature and Properties of the human Soul and the Objects of human Science. Part II. On the Truth and Evidences of the Christian Religion. Part III. On the moral Perfections of the Deity and a future State. By Charles Bulkley.
London : printed for J. Noon at the White-Hart, Cheapside; J. Waugh and W. Fenner, at the Turk's-Head, Lombard-Street, MDCCLV. [1755].
ESTC No. T65362.Grub Street ID 290274.
Bulkley, Charles.
Observations upon natural religion and Christianity, candidly proposed: in a review of the discourses lately published by the Lord Bishop of London in three volumes. By Charles Bulkley.
London : printed for J. Noon, at the White-Hart, near Mercers-Chapel, Cheapside. And J. Payne, at Pope's Head, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLVII. [1757].
ESTC No. T41872.Grub Street ID 270678.
Bulkley, Charles.
Sermons on public occasions. By Charles Bulkley.
London : printed for John Noon at the White Hart in Cheapside; and, H. Payne, and W. Cropley at Dryden's Head, in Pater-Noster Row, 1761.
ESTC No. T127419.Grub Street ID 177130.
Bulkley, Charles.
The christian minister. By Charles Bulkley.
London : printed for John Noon, at the White-Hart, near the Poultry, Cheapside; and J. Payne, at Pope's-Head, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLVIII. [1758].
ESTC No. T115317.Grub Street ID 167081.
Bulkley, Charles.
The nature and necessity of national reformation. A sermon, preached at Barbican, Feb. 6, 1756. Being the day appointed for a general fast. By Charles Bulkley.
London : printed for J. Payne, at Pope's Head, in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.LVI. [1756].
ESTC No. T1261.Grub Street ID 176133.
Bulkley, Charles.
The oeconomy of the Gospel; in four books: by Charles Bulkley.
London : printed by Henry Baldwin, in White-Friars, Fleet-Street, MDCCLXIV. [1764].
ESTC No. N22278.Grub Street ID 11647.
Bulkley, Charles.
The rational assurance of a dying pastor. A sermon preached in Fair-street, Horslydown, Southwark, September 14, 1766. On occasion of the death of the late Rev. Mr. Benjamin Treacher, ... To which is added, the speech delivered at the grave. By Charles Bulkley.
London : printed for J. Buckland; G. Keith; and E. Young, 1766.
ESTC No. T107500.Grub Street ID 160527.
Bulkley, Charles.
The signs of the times, illustrated and improved. In a sermon preached At the Evening-Lecture In the Old-Jewry, on Sunday, October 21, 1759. On occasion of the surrender of Quebec to His Majesty's forces, September 18, 1759. By Charles Bulkley.
London : printed for J. Noon, in the Poultry; and C. Henderson, under the Royal-Exchange, MDCCLIX. [1759].
ESTC No. T116403.Grub Street ID 168070.
Bulkley, Charles.
Two discourses on Catholic communion, relating in particular to the different sentiments of Christians concerning baptism: and preached at Barbican, April 14 & 21, 1754. By Charles Bulkley.
London : printed for John Noon, at the White-Hart, near the Poultry, Cheapside; and J. Payne, at Pope's Head, Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.LIV. [1754].
ESTC No. T52056.Grub Street ID 279222.