Thomas Warner (fl. 17161733)



  • Bookseller
  • Publisher

Thomas Warner, bookseller and publisher at the Black Boy in Paternoster Row 1716–1733. Possibly the same person as T. Warner near Ludgate, 1713–14 and near St. Paul's, 1749.

Notes & Queries "London Booksellers Series" (1931–2)

WARNER, T. Should be added to DR.WOOD'S list. His imprints show him at the Black Boy in Paternoster Row from 1718 to 1732. In 1726 he began to publish 'The Occasional Paper, to be continued as often as Occasion requires.' I have no records of any issues after Nos. 1 and 2. The stock of a Thomas Warner was sold by auction on 8 Oct., 1734. Plomer omits mention of this bookseller.

—Ambrose Heal, 19 December 1931


A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1726 to 1775, by Henry Plomer et al. (1932)

WARNER (T.), bookseller and publisher in London, Black Boy, Paternoster Row, 1726(?)–1729(?). Publisher of lists of the Privy Council, members of Parliament, and useful iterature of that kind. He also published satires such as The Tavern Scuffle, or the Club in an Uproar, by "Saynought Dryboots". At one time he printed the Flying Post, but an advertisement in the Daily Post of January 1st, 1728, states that "Warner of Paternoster Row is discharged and that the Flying Post will be published by J. Roberts of Warwick Lane". He then transferred his services to the Daily Journal. He was probably in business both earlier and later than the dates given above.