The Arts of Logick and Rhetoric, partly taken from Bouhours, with new Reflections, &c. by John Oldmixon, 8vo.

Remarks on the Dunciad, by Mr. Dennis, dedicated to Theobald, 8vo.

A Supplement to the Profund, Anon. by Matthew Concanen. 8vo.

Mist’s Weekly Journal, June 8. A long Letter sign’d W. A. writ by some or other of the Club of of Theobald, Dennis, Moore, Concanen, Cooke, who for some time held constant weekly meetings for these kind of performances.

Daily Journal, June 11. A Letter sign’d Philoscriberus, on the name of Pope.—Letter to Mr. Theobald in verse, sign’d B. M. [Bezaleel Morris] against Mr. P—. Many other little Epigrams about this time in the same papers, by James Moore and others.

Mist’s Journal, June 22. A Letter by Lewis Theobald.

Flying Post, August 8. Letter on Pope and Swift.

Daily Journal, August 8. Letter charging the Author of the Dunciad with Treason.

Durgen. A plain satire on a pompous satireist, by Edward Ward, with a little of James Moore.

Gulliveriana Secunda, Being a collection of many of the Libels in the News-papers, like the former Volume under the same title, by Smedley. Advertis’d in the Craftsman, November 9, 1728, with this remarkable promise, that any thing which any body should send as Mr. Pope’s or Dr. Swift’s, should be inserted and published as Theirs.”


A Copy of CAXTON’s Preface to
his Translation of Virgil.

AFTER dyuerse Werkes, made translated and achieued, hauyng no werke in hande I sittyng in my studye where as laye many dyuerse paunflettes and bookys. happened that to my hande cam a lytyl booke in frenshe. whiche late was translated oute of latyn by some noble clerke of fraunce, which booke is named Eneydos (made in latyn by that noble poete & grete clerke Vyrgyle) whiche booke I sawe over and redde therein. How after the generall destruccyon of the grete Troye, Eneas departed berynge his olde fader anchises upon his sholdres, his lytyl son yolas on his hande. his wyfe with moche other people followynge, and how he shipped and departed wyth alle thystorye of his aduentures that he had er he cam to the atchieve­ment of his conquest of ytalye, as all a longe shall be shewed in this present boke. In whiche booke I had grete playsyr. by cause of the fayr and honest termes & wordes in frenshe Whyche I neuer sawe to sore lyke. ne none so playsaunt ne so well ordred. whiche booke as me semed sholde be moche requysyte to no­ble men to see, as wel for the eloquence as the histo­ryes. How wel that many hondred yerys passed was the sayd booke of Eneydos wyth other workes made and lerned dayly in scolis specyally in ytalye and other