Publications of Sarah Popping

Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.

What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.

In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:

  1. "printed by x"; or
  2. "sold by x"; or
  3. "printed for x" or "published by x";

or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):

  1. "printed and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.

Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.

David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:

The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
     London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
     London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
     London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.

D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).

Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.

A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).


  • Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
  • Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
  • John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
  • John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
  • David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
  • Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
  • D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
  • Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).

Printed by Sarah Popping

  • Remarks on the new French what-d'ye-call'ums, which Abel and his prompters call, a distinct explanation of the offers of the king their master for a general peace, and a satisfaction of all the parties engag'd in the present war. London: printed by S. Popping, 1712. ESTC No. N65097. Grub Street ID 47022.

Sold by Sarah Popping

  • Symmons, Edward. Ecclesiastical self-seeking. A visitation sermon preach'd at Halstead in Essex, April 12. 1632. By that zealous royalist, Edward Symonds, Minister of Rayne in Essex. London: printed in the year 1642. and reprinted 1712. for the Information of those who have read the late Representation of the Lower House of Convocation. Sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row, 1712. ESTC No. T683. Grub Street ID 292567.
  • Adams, Mr.. The brave Englishman: or, the vision. Aug. 19. 1710. N.S. By Mr. Adams. [London]: Sold by S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-noster-row, [1710]. ESTC No. N62553. Grub Street ID 44886.
  • To the Duke of Marlborough, on the taking of Bouchain. London: printed for W. H. and sold by S. Popping, 1711. ESTC No. T51186. Grub Street ID 278615.
  • Dean, John. A narrative of the sufferings, preservation and deliverance, of Capt. John Dean and company; in the Nottingham-Gally [sic] of London, cast away on Boon-Island, near New England, December 11, 1710. London: printed by R. Tookey, and sold by S. Popping, and at the printing-press under the Royal-Exchange, Cornhill, [1711]. ESTC No. T135539. Grub Street ID 183951.
  • Reynolds, Edward. An humble exhortation to the Honourable House of Commons, Assembled in Parliament. Taken out of a Sermon Preach'd upon Hosea XIV. 1, 2. By Edward Reynolds, Sometime Bishop of Norwich. Whereunto is added, by Way of Appendix, An Excellent Passage of Archbishop Tillotson concerning Moderation, in his Preface to Bishop Wilkin's Sermons. London: printed by P. Gwillim in Austin-Fryars, and sold by S. Popping at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, 1711. ESTC No. T36804. Grub Street ID 266687.
  • The general post. [London, England]: Sold by S. Popping at the Black-Raven in Pater-noster-row; where advertisements are taken in, [1711]. ESTC No. P3468. Grub Street ID 56802.
  • An answer to The examiner's cavils against the barrier treaty of 1709. To which are added the articles of the new barrier treaty that relate to the Hanover succession, both in Latin and English. London: sold by S. Popping, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1713]. ESTC No. T135192. Grub Street ID 183664.
  • Dunton, John. Queen Robin: or the second part of Neck or nothing, detecting the secret reign of the four last years. In a familiar dialogue between Mr. Truman (alias Mr. John Dunton) and his friend, ... London: printed for M. Brudenell, and are to be sold by J. Harrison, S. Popping, A. Dod and A. Boulter, [1714]. ESTC No. N21910. Grub Street ID 11269.
  • Dunton, John. The golden age: exemplified in the glorious life and reign of his present Majesty King George, and his numerous issue: or a vision of the future happiness of Great Britain, ... Part I. ... The whole humbly inscrib'd to his ... Majesty by Mr. John Dunton, ... and will be continued monthly ... London: printed by S. Keimer, and are to be sold by J. Harrison, S. Popping, A. Dod, and A. Boulter, 1714. ESTC No. T35664. Grub Street ID 265747.
  • Bradbury, Thomas. The lawfulness of resisting tyrants, argued from the history of David, and in defence of the revolution. Nov. 5. 1713. With some remarks on Mr. Luke Milbourn's preface and sermon. By Thomas Bradbury. London: printed by S. Keimer, for N. Cliff and D. Jackson, at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside: and sold by S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Paternoster-Row; and T. Harrison, near the Royal-Exchange, [1714]. ESTC No. T85107. Grub Street ID 305444.
  • Dunton, John. Queen Robin: or the second part of Neck or nothing, detecting the secret reign of the four last years. In a familiar dialogue between Mr. Truman (alias Mr. John Dunton) and his friend, meeting accidentaly at the Proclaiming King George. The whole Discoveries Humbly inscrib'd to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and contain the True secret History of the White-Staff, in Answer to that False one, lately publish'd by the Earl of o-ford. London: printed for M. Brudenell, and are to be sold by J. Harrison near the Royal Exchange, S. Popping in Pater Noster Row, A. Dod and A. Boulter without Temple-Bar; at which four Places are to be had, Mr. Duntons First Part of Neck or Nothing, and all the other Books he has publish'd lately, [1714]. ESTC No. T72205. Grub Street ID 295758.
  • Bradbury, Thomas. The lawfulness of resisting tyrants, argued from the history of David, and in defence of the revolution. Nov. 5. 1713. With some remarks on Mr. Luke Milbourn's preface and sermon. By Thomas Bradbury. London: printed by S. Keimer, for N. Cliff and D. Jackson, at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside: and sold by S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row; and T. Harrison, near the Royal-Exchange, [1714]. ESTC No. N19884. Grub Street ID 9307.
  • The pope's Bull, condemning The New Testament, with moral reflections; done by Father Quesnel, the present Luther of France. With the several texts, expounded by his propositions. Faithfully translated from the French. London: printed for Joseph Marshall, at the Bible in Newgate-Street, and sold by S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row; and at the Bible in Grace-Church-Street, and by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1714]. ESTC No. T93505. Grub Street ID 313188.
  • The pope's Bull, condemning The New Testament, with moral reflections; done by Father Quesnel, the present Luther of France. With the several texts, expounded by his propositions. Faithfully translated from the French. London: printed for Joseph Marshall, at the Bible in Newgate-Street, and sold by S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row; and at the Bible in Grace-Church-Street, and by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1714]. ESTC No. T93506. Grub Street ID 313189.
  • Dunton, John. Queen Robin: or the second part of Neck or nothing, detecting the secret reign of the four last years. In a familiar dialogue between Mr. Truman (alias Mr. John Dunton) and his friend, ... London: printed for M. Brudenell, and are to be sold by J. Harrison, S. Popping, A. Dod and A. Boulter, [1714?]. ESTC No. N68406. Grub Street ID 49808.
  • The spirit of popery, or, the groans of Zion. Humbly inscrib'd to the defender of the faith. Containing, a view of the sufferings of the Church in bondage. Collected from the most approved authors. London: printed by William Hurt, and sold by S. Popping, 1714. ESTC No. N37348. Grub Street ID 25312.
  • Bradbury, Thomas. The lawfulness of resisting tyrants, Argued from the History of David, And in defence of the revolution. Nov. 5. 1713. With some Remarks on Mr. Luke Milbourn's preface and sermon. By Thomas Bradbury. London: printed by S. Keimer, for N. Cliff and D. Jackson, at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside: and sold by S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row; and T. Harrison, near the Royal-Exchange, [1714]. ESTC No. T37620. Grub Street ID 267239.
  • Bradbury, Thomas. The lawfulness of resisting tyrants, argued from the history of David, and in defence of the revolution. Nov. 5. 1713. With some remarks on Mr. Luke Milbourn's preface and sermon. By Thomas Bradbury. London: printed by S. Keimer, for N. Cliff and D. Jackson: and sold by S. Popping; and T. Harrison, 1714. ESTC No. T37621. Grub Street ID 267240.
  • Bates, Thomas. The justice of a bill of attainder. In a letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope. London: printed by W.H. and sold by S. Popping, 1715. ESTC No. N52129. Grub Street ID 36110.
  • Owen, Charles. Plain reasons, I. For dissenting from the communion of the Church of England. II. Why dissenters are not, nor cannot be guilty of schism, in Separating from the Places of Publick Worship. And, III. Several common objections, brought by churchmen against dissenters, answer'd. By a true Protestant. London: printed for the author, and sold by S. Popping at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, 1715. ESTC No. N11593. Grub Street ID 1594.
  • Dunton, John. King George for ever: or, Dunton's speech to the Protestant associators of Great-Britain: but more especially to those of the Tower-Hamlets, with whom he has enter'd into a voluntary and strict Association, to Defend his Majesty's just Title to the British Crown, against the Pretender and all his Adherents. With a Copy of that Loyal Association which Mr. Dunton subscrib'd, and is the Subject of this Speech. To which is added, The neck-adventure; or, the case and sufferings of Mr. John Dunton, for daring to Detect the Treason and Villany of Oxford and Bolingbroke, whilst they were Reigning Favourites, in his Four Essays, intituled, The Court-Spy, Neck or Nothing, Queen Robin, and The Impeachment. The whole Discoveries (and Speech) most humbly Submitted to the Consideration of King George, our alone Rightful and Ever-Glorious Sovereign; and Inscrib'd to the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Townshend, One of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. London: printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row, and by most booksellers in Great-Britain and Ireland, [1715?]. ESTC No. T72483. Grub Street ID 296004.
  • Dunton, John. Neck or nothing in verse. Or, a compleat collection of all the treasonable poems that have been privately dispers'd ... in favour of the Pretender. With answers ... Proving King George our rightful ... sovereign. Part I. To which is added, fair warning to the Whiggs, or an essay upon the fiery-tryal. ... Written by Mr. John Dunton, ... London: printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Poping [i.e. Popping, 1715?]. ESTC No. T174181. Grub Street ID 211276.
  • King, William. A key to divinity: or, a philosophical essay on free-will. By the Most Reverend Father in God William Lord Archbishop of Dublin. Part I. London: sold by M. Lawrence in the Poultry: J. Noon, and T. Sharpey in Cheapside: S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row: A. Boulter at Temple Bar, MDCCXV. [1715]. ESTC No. T17796. Grub Street ID 214885.
  • A review of the report of the secret committee; digested into alphabetical order, which distinguishes the transactions of the late ministers one from another. And is also an useful and easy index to the report, by exact References to the Pages of both the Folio Edition, and that in Twelves. London: printed for Eman. Matthews at the Bible, and sold by S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row; A. Dodd without Temple-Bar, and J. Harrison at the Royal-Exchange, [1715]. ESTC No. T44907. Grub Street ID 273254.
  • Bradbury, Thomas. Eikōn basilikē. A sermon preach'd the 29th of May, 1715. By Thomas Bradbury. ... With an appendix of several papers relating to the restoration, 1660. and the present settlement. London: printed for S. Cliffe, and sold by S. Popping, 1715. ESTC No. T83570. Grub Street ID 303986.
  • Dunton, John. The mob-war: or a detection of the present state of the Brittish nation: but more especially with respect to that wou'd be King ... that threatens us with a speedy invasion. In sixteen letters. ... London: printed for the author, sold by S. Popping, J. Harrison, A. Dodd and A. Boulter, [1715?]. ESTC No. T41282. Grub Street ID 270208.
  • Dunton, John. The medal: or, A Loyal Essay upon King George's Picture, As 'twas presented to Mr. John Dunton, (author of The Golden Age) By His Majesty's Order. Most Humbly Inscrib'd to his Excellency The Baron de Bothmer. London: printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row; where is to be had The First Part of the Golden Age, printed on the same Size with this Essay, intitl'd, The Medal, that they may bind together when The Golden Age is compleated, [1715]. ESTC No. T39091. Grub Street ID 268446.
  • The bee. A collection of choice poems. Part I. London: printed by T. Ilive: sold by S. Popping, in Pater-Noster-Row; and A. Boulter, at Temple-Bar, MDCCXV. [1715]. ESTC No. N32537. Grub Street ID 21150.
  • Dunton, John. King-Abigail : or, the secret reign of the she-favourite, detected and applied; in a sermon ... Deliver'd ... by Mr. John Dunton, ... London: printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping; J. Harrison; A. Dodd, and A. Boulter, 1715. ESTC No. T29408. Grub Street ID 260796.
  • Dunton, John. The shortest way with the King: or, plain English spoke to His Majesty. Being the third part of Neck or nothing; containing, The Secret History of King George's Reign, from the Death of the late Queen, to the Report made in the House of Commons, by the Committee of Secrecy. Introduc'd with the Secret Reign of the Monarchs of Great-Britain, for the last Sixty Years. The whole Discoveries humbly submitted to the Consideration of the Right Honourable James Stanhope, Esq; one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. By Mr. John Dunton, Author of the First and Second Part of Neck or Nothing. London: printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row, J. Harrison near the Royal-Enchange, A. Dod, and A. Boulter without Temple-Bar, [1715]. ESTC No. N22874. Grub Street ID 12233.
  • Dunton, John. Frank Scammony: or, the restoring clergy detected, in their names, haunts, plots, heresies, and lewd conversation, in a sermon, Upon these Words, Her Priests have violated my Law-And I am profaned among them, Ezek. 22. 26. Occasion'd By a certain B-p's swearing, We'll have the Pretender by G-d. To which is added, The Pulpit Trumpeter; or the Substance of all The Treasonable Sermons that have been preach'd at Whitechappel, by that Passive Rebel, that drinks a Health to the Fatherless Child and the Widdow. Attested by Two of his constant Hearers. The Sermon (with all the Discoveries) dedicated to that Pious, Loyal, and Healing Prelate, Francis, Lord Bishop of Rochester. By Mr. John Dunton, Author of Neck or Nothing; and of those Four Sermous, Intitled,-The Hereditary Bastard, Ox-And Bull Bungey-And King Abigail. London: printed for the author; and are to be sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row. J. Harrison near the Royal-Exchange, A. Dod, and A. Boulter, without Temple-Bar, [1715?]. ESTC No. T40154. Grub Street ID 269270.
  • Dunton, John. Bungey: or the false brother, prov'd his own executioner, ... In which, the secret vices, lewd principles, and (suppos'd) shameful death of that tool Dr. S-rel (alias Bungey) is set in a new light; ... By Mr. John Dunton, ... London: printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping, J. Harrison, A. Dod, and A. Boulter, 1715. ESTC No. T29774. Grub Street ID 261101.
  • Dunton, John. Bungey: or the false brother, prov'd his own executioner, ... In which, the secret vices, lewd principles, and (suppos'd) shameful death of that tool Dr. S----rel (alias Bungey) is set in a new light; ... By Mr. John Dunton, ... London: printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping, J. Harrison, A. Dod, and A. Boulter, 1715. ESTC No. T29775. Grub Street ID 261102.
  • Pope, Alexander. A full and true account of a horrid and barbarous revenge by poison, on the body of Mr. Edmund Curll, bookseller; with a faithful copy of his last will and testament. Publish'd by an eye witness. [London]: Sold by J. Roberts, J. Morphew, R. Burleigh, J. Baker, and S. Popping, [1716]. ESTC No. T5674. Grub Street ID 283148.
  • Y., J.. The revolution: wherein is exemplify'd, the happiness of the English Constitution; in an abstract of the most material occurrences of the convention, in the year 1688. relating to the abdication of King James II. and the Vacancy of the Throne thereby. Dedicated to the Honourable Richard Hampden, Esq; Knight of the Shire for the County of Bucks, Chairman of the Committee of Elections, and One of the Secret Committee. London: printed by B. Mills, and sold by S. Popping, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row; J. Harrison, at the Royal-Exchange; A. Boulter, without Temple-Bar; E. Fleetwood, at the Foot of the Parliament-Stairs; and W. Sightly, at the Horse-Guards, White-Hall, [1716]. ESTC No. N35027. Grub Street ID 23313.
  • Thorius, Raphael. Tobacco: a poem. In two books. Translated from the Latin of Raphael Thorius. London: printed by W. H. sold by J. Noon, and T. Sharpey in Cheapside: and S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXVI. [1716]. ESTC No. N13439. Grub Street ID 3356.
  • Dunton, John. Royal gratitude; (or King George's promise never to forget his obligations to those who have distinguish'd themselves in his service) critically consider'd. In a letter to ... Robert Walpole, ... Written by that person of honour that sent Mr. Dunton those early discoveries of Oxford's and Bolingbroke's treason, ... To which is added, the high-church gudgeons: ... London: printed by R. Tookey, and are to be sold by S. Popping, 1716. ESTC No. T27900. Grub Street ID 259695.
  • Dunton, John. Ox---- and Bull---- or, a funeral sermon for the two beasts that are to be slaughter'd upon Tower-Hill, next session of Parliament, Upon these Words, With the Serious Advice that was given to Ox-And Bull-, to prepare for the Axe; at a time when Beasts could Speak, and pretended to Reason and Loyalty. Also, An Elegy upon their Untimely End, to be sung the same Day they are Quarter'd. The whole dedicated to that State-Butcher, Jack Catch, Esq; By Mr. John Dunton, (author of Neck or Nothing, and the Sermon, intituled, The Hereditary-Bastard) and is his second Attempt to Reform the Pulpit. London: printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row, J. Harrison near the Royal-Exchange, A. Dodd, and A. Boulter without Temple-Bar, [1715] [1716]. ESTC No. T43517. Grub Street ID 272096.
  • Dunton, John. Ox---- and Bull---- or, a funeral sermon for the two beasts that are to be slaughter'd upon Tower-Hill, next session of Parliament, ... By Mr. John Dunton, ... London: printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping, J. Harrison, A. Dodd, and A. Boulter, 1715 [1716]. ESTC No. T43518. Grub Street ID 272097.
  • Dunton, John. Ox---- and Bull---- or, a funeral sermon for the two beasts that are to be slaughter'd upon Tower-Hill, next session of Parliament, ... By Mr. John Dunton, ... London: printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping, J. Harrison, A. Dodd, and A. Boulter, 1715 [1716]. ESTC No. T43519. Grub Street ID 272098.
  • Thorius, Raphael. Tabacum poema libris duobus auctore Rapha'le Thorio. Londini: prostant venales apud J. Noon, & T. Sharpey in Cheapside: & S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row. MDCCXVI. 6 d, [1716]. ESTC No. T17785. Grub Street ID 214770.
  • Prat, Helen. Considerations on the terrible fiery appearance in the heavens, on March the 6th, 1716. Setting forth that it must needs signifie the dissolution of the world to draw nigh; partly by its Figure, partly that no mention is made in Scripture, of calling the Jews before the End of the World; and from other weighty Arguments. Here is also set forth what great Visions this Author hath had; who also in effect expected this last. London: printed for the author, and sold by S. Popping, at the Black-Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1716] [1717]. ESTC No. T104449. Grub Street ID 157968.
  • A vindication of mankind, or Free-Will asserted. in answer to A Philosophical Inquiry concerning human liberty. to which is added an examination of Mr. Lock's scheme of Freedom. London: sold by S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXVII. [1717]. ESTC No. T17790. Grub Street ID 214822.
  • E., N.. The females advocate: or, an essay, to prove that the sisters in every church of Christ, have a right to church-government as well as the bretheren. Design'd chiefly for the use of those of the Congregational, and Antipedobaptist persuasion; (who Professedly own, That Church-Government is wholly committed to every Particular Church of Christ) and may be of Use to all others, that own the Word of God to be the only Rule, and Directory for the Right Order, Life pline, and Government of the Church of God. Humbly presented, by N. E. a lover of the just liberty and purity of the churches of Christ, of every denomination among us this Day. London: printed for the author, and sold by S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, and the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1718]. ESTC No. T111710. Grub Street ID 163916.
  • Country Gentleman.. A guide to gentlemen and farmers, for brewing the finest malt-liquors, much better and cheaper than hitherto known. Shewing What Care is to be taken in the Choice of Water, Malt, and Hep,: And in what Proportions they are to be mixed, boyled, and fermented, for making the best March or October Beer, Strong Ale, &c. Also Particular Directions for the right managing all Brewing Utensils. The second edition, with an addition of 25 receipts for Physical Ales, by eminent Physicians; which is very necessary for all Families. Useful for all such as are curious in Malt-Liquors. By a country gentleman. London: printed; and sold by S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1718]. ESTC No. N18333. Grub Street ID 7816.
  • Dunton, John. The hanover-Spy: or, secret history of St. James's. From the reign of Queen Robin, down to the late misunderstanding in the royal palace. Publish'd by order of that person of honour who detected those Jacobite secrets that furnish'd out Neck or nothing; and consists only of such State Secrets as this Spy was privy to, or can prove by Persons now living at Court. The whole discoveries ascrib'd to that true Englishman and generous patriot, Benjamin Childe, Esq; late High-Sheriff for the County of Berks. By Mr. John Dunton, (author of Neck or Nothing) And is his Tenth successful Attempt to detect the Enemies to King George, and His Illustrious House, at the Hazard of his Life and Fortune, as is prov'd in-A Secret History of Whiggish Ingratitude, Inscrib'd to the King - And in - A Most Humble Petition to His Majesty-That he might be Presently Hang'd or Rewarded. - Both which are prefix'd to these New Discoveries. London: printed for the author, and are to be sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster Row, and most booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland, [1718]. ESTC No. N7269. Grub Street ID 52203.
  • Lady in the country.. God manifested in the flesh: or, A letter from a lady in the country, upon the mysterious incarnation of God, to a gentlewoman in town. London: printed by R. Tookey, and sold by S. Popping at the Black-Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1719]. ESTC No. T163063. Grub Street ID 201752.
  • An appeal to the word of God for the Trinity in unity, or the Godhead of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; as asserted in the first article of the Church of England, and the fifth and sixth answers of the Assemblys Catechism, prov'd to be the Scripture-Doctrine of the Trinity. With arguments in Defence of the Controverted Text, I John V. 7. of our Translation of Philip. ii. 5, 6, and of Scripture Cousequences. By George Ridpath. London: printed by R. Tookey for A. Bell at the Bible and Cross-Key; in Cornhill; and sold by S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1719]. ESTC No. T189795. Grub Street ID 225128.
  • An appeal to the word of God for the Trinity in unity, or the Godhead of the Father, Son, and Holy-Ghost; As asserted in the First Article of the Church of England, and the Fifth and Sixth Answers of the Assemblys Cathechism, prov'd to be the Scripture-Doctrine of the Trinity. With Arguments in Defence of the Controverted Text, I John V. 7. of our Translation of Philip. ii. 5, 6. and of Scripture Consequences. By George Ridpath. London: printed by R. Tookey for A. Bell at the Bible and Cross-Keys in Cornhill; and sold by S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1719]. ESTC No. T847. Grub Street ID 305076.
  • Dunton, John. Neck for nothing: or, a satyr upon two great little men now in the ministry. Who ... have been the sole occasion why the author of Neck or nothing has gone five years unrewarded for his early, expensive, and successful hazards in detecting His Majesty's enemies ... As 'twa sent in a letter to the Right Honourable James Craggs, ... To which is added, Mordecai's dying groans from the Fleet-prison: or, Mr. John Dunton's humble appeal to His Majesty's Royal Honour, ... The whole written by Mr. John Dunton, ... London: printed for the author, (Mr. John Dunton) and are to be sold by S. Popping, and most booksellers in Great-Britain and Ireland, [1719?]. ESTC No. N34635. Grub Street ID 22968.
  • The self-flatterer: or, the art of complimenting one's self, discovered in some serious animadversions on a merry paper ... intitled, The humble address of the grand inquest for the body of the Island of Barbadoes, &c. London: printed for T. Corbet; and sold by S. Popping; and E. Harrison, 1720. ESTC No. N26412. Grub Street ID 15781.
  • The true protestant account of the burning of London, or, an antidote, against the poyson and malignity of a late lying legend, entituled, An account of the burning of London, &c. Wherein the Malice and Falshood of that Mercenary Tool of a popish faction are detected, and the Truth soundly prov'd; Viz. That it was those Firebrands of hell, the Blood-Thirsty papists, and none but They, who were the Sole Authors and Promoters of that Great and Dreadful fire of London in 1666. And of several others since. To which is further added, Such a very Curious and Useful Discovery of many Others of their Monstrous and Detestable Villanies, and of their Arts and Shifts to hide them, and to cast them upon the protestants: As the like was never before Published in so small a Volume. Also for your Diversion, there is inserted in the Conclusion, their Spiteful Manner of cursing an Heretick, (i e.) Protestant out of the church, with Bell, Book and Candle. London: printed by B. Baddam in Well-Close-Square, and sold by S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster Row, MDCCXX. [1720]. ESTC No. T56394. Grub Street ID 282851.
  • Churchill's annals: being a short history of the great Duke of Marlborough. With his character by several emperors, Kings, princes, and parliaments of Great-Britain. London: printed for John Clark; and sold by S. Popping, 1722. ESTC No. T30755. Grub Street ID 261602.
  • Philo Strategos.. Churchill's annals: being a compleat view of the glorious actions of the great Duke of Marlborough, both in the field and cabinet. With his character, by King William. Emperor Leopold. Emperor Joseph. Emperor Charles. Elector of Bavaria. States-General. University of Doway. Marshal Turenne. Lord Keeper Wright. Lewis XIV. Prince Lewis of Baden. Prince Vaudemont. Prince Waldeck. Duke of Monmouth. Pensionary Heinsius. Bishop of Ely. Sir Edward Seymor. Earl Cowper. Queen Anne and her Parliaments. London: printed for John Clark, at the Bible under the Royal Exchange; and sold by S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T30756. Grub Street ID 261603.
  • Philo Strategos.. Churchill's annals: being a compleat view of the glorious actions of the great Duke of Marlborough, both in the field and cabinet. With his character, by King William. Emperor Leopold. Emperor Joseph. Emperor Charles. Elector of Bavaria. States-General. University of Doway. Marshal Turenne. Lord Keeper Wright. Lewis XIV. Prince Lewis of Baden. Prince Vaudemont. Prince Waldeck. Duke of Monmouth. Pensionary Heinsius. bishop of Ely. Sir Edward Seymor. Earl Cowper. Queen Anne and her Parliaments. London: printed for John Clark, at the Bible under the Royal Exchange; and sold by S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T30757. Grub Street ID 261604.

Printed for Sarah Popping

  • One of his auditors.. An answer to the Surry-Gentleman's letter concerning Mr. Lloyd's sermon preach'd at Covent-Garden the fifth of November, 1710. Written by one of his Auditors. London: printed for S. Popping at the Raven in Paternoster-Row, 1710. ESTC No. T176783. Grub Street ID 213790.
  • The glorious warriour: or, a ballad in praise of General Stanhope; dedicated to all who have votes for Parliament-men in the city of Westminster. To the tune of Fair Rosamund. London: printed for S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Paternoster-Row, 1710. ESTC No. T40841. Grub Street ID 269860.
  • A letter of advice to the freeholders of England, concerning the election of members to serve in the ensuing Parliament. [London]: Printed for S. Popping, at the Raven in Pater-noster-row, 1710. ESTC No. T5954. Grub Street ID 285538.
  • A dialogue betwixt Whig and Tory. Wherein the Principles and Practices of each Party are fairly and impartially stated; that thereby Mistakes and Prejudices may be remov'd from amongst us, and all who prefer English Liberty and the Protestant Religion, to French Slavery and Popery, may be inform'd how to chuse fit and proper Instruments for our Preservation in these Times of Danger. London: [for S. Popping and T. Harriman], Printed in the Year, M.DCC.X. [1710]. ESTC No. T56887. Grub Street ID 283257.
  • A letter to Mr. B-- a North-Wiltshire clergyman, relating to An Address from that Archdeaconry to the Queen. Wherein a Character is given of the Bishop of Sarum, and an Account of the Clergy's Behaviour towards him. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.X. [1710]. ESTC No. T38159. Grub Street ID 267654.
  • The tryals of Peter Messenger, Richard Beasley, William Green, Thomas Appletree, John Earles, William Wilks, William Ford, Richard Farrell, Edward Cotton, Edward Bedle, Richard Latimer, John Sharpless, Richard Woodward, Thomas Limerick, John Richardson; for high treason, in tumultously assembling themselves in Moor-Fields, and other Places, under colour of pulling down of Bawdy-Houses. At the sessions-house in the Old-Baily on Saturday, April 4. 1688. Some of whom were afterwards executed. To which is Added, The Judgment of the Judges on that occasion, reported by my Lord Chief Justice Kelyng. London: printed for S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row, 1710. ESTC No. T123569. Grub Street ID 174002.
  • Aminadab. The rose of Sharon: or, a letter from Aminadab, to the author of the Post-boy. London: printed for S. Popping, 1710. ESTC No. T226849. Grub Street ID 248262.
  • Flockmaker, Tom. Worcestershire-Queries about peace. By Tom Flockmaker, clothier of Worcester. London: printed for S. Popping at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1711]. ESTC No. N25235. Grub Street ID 14593.
  • Hare, Francis. A caveat to the treaters; or, the Modern Schemes of partition examin'd, With relation to the Safety of Europe in general, and of Great-Britain and Ireland in particular. Including an answer to several late Pamphlets on that Subject; with a more particular Account of the Conferences at Gertruydenberg than has yet been publish'd. London: printed for S. Popping at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, 1711. ESTC No. T56742. Grub Street ID 283151.
  • Reasons pro and con: being a Debate at the Council-Table, between the Treasurer and the general, for Making a Peace, or carrying on the War, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth; wherein the Force of the General's Arguments prevailed against the Sophistry of the Treasurer's. London: printed for S. Popping, at the Black-Raven in Paternoster-Row, [1712] [1711]. ESTC No. T57399. Grub Street ID 283673.
  • Lover of peace and unity.. A dialogue between Dr. Henry Sach-ell, and Mr. William B-set: written secundum usum Billingsgate, for the instruction of the boatmen, porters, sailors, and carmen of St. Saviour's in Southwark, and St. Catharine's near the Tower; collected from their own words. By a love of peace and unity. London: printed for S. Popping, 1711. ESTC No. N8641. Grub Street ID 53545.
  • The history of King James's ecclesiastical commission: containing all the proceedings against the Lord Bishop of London; ... With a short account of the lives and characters of the commissioners. ... London: printed for T. Harrison, and S. Popping, 1711. ESTC No. T25861. Grub Street ID 258096.
  • The considerable advantages of a South-Sea trade to our English nation. Humbly offer'd, with other particulars, to the consideration of this present Parliament, partly from the Information of divers French Officers, lately taken by one of Her Majesty's Ships, and who had Sailed and Traded in those Seas. London: printed for S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1711?]. ESTC No. T134475. Grub Street ID 183113.
  • Benson, William. A second letter to Sir J- B-, by birth a Swede, but naturaliz'd and a M-r of the present P-t: concerning the Minehead doctrine. ... London: printed for S. Popping, [1711]. ESTC No. N21732. Grub Street ID 11087.
  • Benson, William. A second letter to Sir J- B-, by birth a Swede, but naturaliz'd, and a M-r of the present P-t: concerning the Minehead doctrine. Demonstrating The Blessings of Arbitrary Power, Establish'd by the Parliament of Sweden in 1680, from the History of that Kingdom; and from an Address of the States of Livonia to the King of Sweden the 30th of May 1692. Exhibited here at Large, and Expressing the Unspeakable Advantage of such a Happy Constitution. London: printed for S. Popping, at the Raven, in Pater-Noster-Row, [1711]. ESTC No. N21733. Grub Street ID 11088.
  • Hampton, (Benjamin). Benj. The existence of human soul after death: proved from scripture, reason and philosopy. ... By Benj. Hampton, ... London: printed for S. Popping, 1711. ESTC No. T33802. Grub Street ID 264295.
  • The Scotch medal decipher'd, and the new hereditary-right men display'd: or, remarks on the late proceedings of the Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh, upon receiving the Pretender's medal. To which the said proceedings are prefix'd. London: printed for S. Popping, 1711. ESTC No. N23552. Grub Street ID 12909.
  • Dent, Giles. A thanksgiving sermon, Preach'd November 5. 1711. By Giles Dent. London: printed for S. Popping, at the Black-Raven in Paternoster-Row, 1711. ESTC No. T6373. Grub Street ID 288881.
  • The whigs appeal to the Tories. In a letter to Sir T--- H-----. With a postscript concerning the proceedings in P---------t. London: printed for S. Popping at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1711]. ESTC No. T72255. Grub Street ID 295793.
  • Greg's ghost.. An abridgment of the secret history of Crete. Translated out of Greek; ... By Greg's ghost. London: printed for S. Popping, 1711. ESTC No. T19018. Grub Street ID 225394.
  • Church of England divine.. The thoughts of a Church of England divine, upon those words in an act made in King Charles IId's. reign, that it was not lawful upon any pretence whatsoever to take up arms against the King, &c. In a letter to a student at Oxford, who had some Doubts thereupon. London: printed for S. Popping, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1711]. ESTC No. T127203. Grub Street ID 177029.
  • Dent, Giles. A thanksgiving sermon, preach'd November 5. 1711. By Giles Dent. London: printed for S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Paternoster-Row, 1711. ESTC No. N14355. Grub Street ID 4237.
  • A list of the commissioners names appointed by her Majesty to take subscriptions to the corporation for carrying on a trade to the South Seas. London: printed for S. Popping, 1711. ESTC No. T205775. Grub Street ID 235418.
  • The oxford almanack of 1712, Explain'd: or, the emblems Of it Unriddl'd. Together With some Prefatory Account of the emblems of the Two preceding Years. In a letter to a Friend. London: printed for S. Popping at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1711]. ESTC No. T5330. Grub Street ID 280262.
  • A true account of the voyage of the Nottingham-Galley of London, John Dean commander, from the River Thames to New-England, Near which Place she was cast away on Boon-Island, December 11, 1710. by the Captain's Obstinacy, who endeavour'd to betray her to the French, or run her ashore; with an Account of the Falsehoods in the Captain's Narrative. And a faithful Relation of the Extremities the Company was reduc'd to for Twenty-Four Days on that desolate Rock, where they were forc'd to eat one of their Companions who died, but were at last wonderfully deliver'd. The whole attested upon oath, by Christopher Langman, Mate; Nicholas Mellen, Boatswain; and George White, Sailor in the said Ship. London: printed for S. Popping at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1711]. ESTC No. T117834. Grub Street ID 169417.
  • Spotiswood, John. The truth at last; or, the whole affair of the Scotch medal; set in a true light in a letter from Mr. John Sporeswood Keeper of the Advocates Library at Edinburgh to Mr. James Mackensie student at Oxford, transmitted from thence by the last post. [London]: Printed for S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row, 1711. ESTC No. T177287. Grub Street ID 214232.
  • The scotch medal decipher'd, and the new hereditary-right men display'd: or, remarks on the late proceedings of the Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh, upon receiving the Pretender's medal. With an account of the laws which make those proceedings high-treason. To which th said proceedings are prefix'd. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1711]. ESTC No. T47194. Grub Street ID 275165.
  • Dent, Giles. A thanksgiving sermon, preach'd November 5. 1711. By Giles Dent. London: printed for S. Popping, at the Black-Raven in Paternoster-Row, [1711]. ESTC No. T50012. Grub Street ID 277744.
  • Justice, Alexander. The interest of Europe, with respect to peace and war. Wherein is consider'd, I. Whether it be safe for the allies to make a peace in this conjuncture. II. Upon what Conditions a Lasting Peace may be expected. III. The Means for Obtaining such Conditions. London: printed for S. Popping at the Raven in Paternoster-Row, M.DCC.XII. [1712]. ESTC No. N17204. Grub Street ID 6673.
  • Gage, Thomas. Some remarkable passages relating to Archbishop Laud, Particularly of his Affection to the Church of Rome. Being the Twenty Second Chapter of Gage's Survey of the West-Indies, as 'twas printed in the Folio Edition before the Restoration, but supprest in the Octavo since. London: printed for S. Popping at the black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, 1712. ESTC No. T59728. Grub Street ID 285718.
  • Eugene. P. Eugene's memorial in the name of the emperor: deliver'd to Mr. Secretary St. John, Feb. 18. ... London: printed for S. Popping, [1712]. ESTC No. N6081. Grub Street ID 43801.
  • Emlyn, Thomas. The previous question to the several questions about valid and invalid baptism, lay-baptism, &c. consider'd, viz. whether there be any necessity (even upon the principles of Mr. Wall's History of infant-baptism) for the continual use of baptism among the posterity of baptiz'd Christians?. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black-Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.XII. [1712]. ESTC No. T88577. Grub Street ID 308533.
  • Concordia discors: or, an argument to prove, that the possession of Dunkirk, Port Mahon, Gibraltar, and other places by the English, may be of worse consequence to these nations, than if they had still continued in the hands of the French, or Spaniards. To which is added the history of standing armies; ... London: printed for S. Popping, 1712. ESTC No. T31133. Grub Street ID 261963.
  • Carstares, William. The Scottish toleration argued: or, an account of all the laws about the Church of Scotland ratify'd by the Union-Act. In a letter from a Scots gentleman to a member of Parliament. London: printed for S. Popping, 1712. ESTC No. N21271. Grub Street ID 10653.
  • A merry new year's gift; or, the captain's letter to the colonel about the late election in Southwark. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.XII. [1712]. ESTC No. T115313. Grub Street ID 167077.
  • The sense of the nation, concerning the Duke of Marlborough, as it is express'd in several acts of Parliament in the votes and joint-addresses of both Houses, and in Her Majesty's most gracious messages and answers. London: printed for S. Popping, 1702 [1712]. ESTC No. T223687. Grub Street ID 246190.
  • The sense of the Court of Hannover, ... in a letter, relating to the Protestant succession, ... To which are added two extracts from Dyer the news-writer's letter, concerning the reception of the pretender's-medal. Made publick to discover the sense of the party he belongs to. ... London: printed for S. Popping, [1712?]. ESTC No. N68448. Grub Street ID 49849.
  • Author of the Letter to Sir T. H.. The sense of the court and Parliaments of England, as to the dissenters, ever since the Restoration: with reflections on the new mode of abusing them in the pulpit. In a letter to the Right Honourable the E. of N. By the author of the Letter to Sr. T. H. London: printed for S. Popping at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1712]. ESTC No. T47454. Grub Street ID 275405.
  • The sense of the nine in ten, concerning the late g-l and late m-y; as it is express'd in their loyal addresses to Her Majesty. London: printed for S. Popping, at the Black-Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1712]. ESTC No. T32953. Grub Street ID 263634.
  • The sense of the nation, concerning the Duke of Marlborough, as it is express'd in several acts of Parliament in the votes and joint-addresses of both houses, and in Her Majesty's most gracious messages and answers. London: printed for S. Popping, at the Black-Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1712]. ESTC No. N21883. Grub Street ID 11239.
  • Vox populi: being the sense of the nation, concerning the French King, the Pretender, the faction, and their principles; express'd in the addresses, to ... William the IIId. ... and ... Queen Anne. London: printed for S. Popping, 1712. ESTC No. N46092. Grub Street ID 30961.
  • A sermon without doors, to the Protestants of Ireland, now residing in London, at their Anniversary Meeting, On October 23. 1712. In commemoration of their deliverance from the barbarous massacre committed by the Irish Papists in the year 1641. By William Stephens, B. D. Rector of Sutton in the County of Surrey. London: printed for S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row, [1713]. ESTC No. T53359. Grub Street ID 280321.
  • A short account of the Spanish Juros. In a letter to a citizen of London. London: printed for S. Popping at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, 1713. ESTC No. T48101. Grub Street ID 276051.
  • Philo Strategos.. The annals of Churchill and Eugene: being a compleat view of their lives and glorious actions, both in the field and cabinet. London: printed for S. Popping, and Jos. Marshal, 1714. ESTC No. T21921. Grub Street ID 243488.
  • Philo Strategos.. Churchill's annals: being a compleat view of the Duke of Marlbrough's life and, glorious actions, both in the field and cabinet. London: printed for Sarah Popping, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1714. ESTC No. T70440. Grub Street ID 294177.
  • Philo Strategos.. Churchill's annals: being a compleat view of the Duke of Marlbrough's life and, glorious actions, both in the field and cabinet. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1714]. ESTC No. T70441. Grub Street ID 294178.
  • Perkins-cabal, or the mock ministry charactrized [sic]. London [i.e. Dublin]: printed for A. Boulter, and S. Popping, 1714. ESTC No. T218407. Grub Street ID 242981.
  • Philo Strategos.. Churchill's annals: being a compleat view of the Duke of Marlbrough's life and, glorious actions, both in the field and cabinet. London: printed for S. Popping; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1714. ESTC No. T202282. Grub Street ID 233257.
  • A poem on the arrival of His Majesty King George. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black-Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1714. ESTC No. T31423. Grub Street ID 262245.
  • Bickerstaffe, Jacob. A letter from Mr. Jacob Bickerstaffe, nephew to Isaac Bickerstaffe, Esq, Occasion'd by the Death of Queen Anne. To a Gentleman in Holland. London: printed for S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1714]. ESTC No. T31424. Grub Street ID 262246.
  • Cumming, John. The general corruptions and defection of the present times, as to Matters of Religion; with other Threat'ning Symptoms, &c. Consider'd in a discourse preach'd at Newport-Pagnel, in the county of Bucks, July the 14th, 1714. before an association of ministers: Wherein are laid down, The Duties that are immediately incumbent upon Christians, with respect to the Present State of Religion among us; With an Address to Dissenting Ministers; containing A Brief Vindication of Protestant Dissenters from the Charge of Schism, occasion'd by the Bill for preventing the Growth of Schism. Publish'd at the Request of the Ministers; with some Enlargements. By John Cumming, M.A. Minister of the Gospel at Cambridge. London: printed by R. Tookey, for S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1714]. ESTC No. T189369. Grub Street ID 224871.
  • Perkin's-Cabal, or the mock ministry characterized. London: printed for A. Boulter without Temple-Bar, and S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1714]. ESTC No. T114991. Grub Street ID 166769.
  • Philo-Strategos.. Eugene's annals: being an Exact and compleat History of the Life and Glorious Actions of Prince Eugene of Savoy. From his Birth, to his signing the Peace at Rastadt. Together With his Illustrious Descent, chief Titles of Honour and Preferment. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster [1714?]. ESTC No. T33534. Grub Street ID 264087.
  • A collection of all Queen Anne's speeches, messages, &c. From Her Accession to the Throne, to Her Demise. With a Chronological Table of the most Remarkable Actions of her Life. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1714]. ESTC No. T34. Grub Street ID 264418.
  • An index to the report of the Secret committee: By which, in a Short View, the Reader is Presented with the Substance of it. In a Letter to a Friend. London: printed for S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.XV. [1715]. ESTC No. T12647. Grub Street ID 176409.
  • Whatley, Stephen. A collection of white and black lists or, a view of those gentlemen who have given their votes in Parliament for and against the Protestant religion, and succession, and the trade and liberties of their country; ever since the Glorious Revolution to the happy accession o King George. ... London: printed for S. Popping; and sold by the book-sellers of London and Westminster, 1715. ESTC No. N16620. Grub Street ID 6190.
  • Whatley, Stephen. A collection of white and black lists or, a view of those gentlemen who have given their votes in Parliament for and against the Protestant religion, and succession, and the trade and liberties of their country; ever since the Glorious Revolution to the happy accession o King George Recommended to the Consideration of Electors. N. B. The Errors of all former Lists are here corrected. London: printed for S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Paternoster-Row; and sold by the Book-Sellers of London and Westminster, [1715]. ESTC No. T78. Grub Street ID 299908.
  • Wassenaer, Arent van. The speech which their Excellencies, Messieurs van Duyvenvoorde and van Borsselen ambassadors extraordinary from their High Mightinesses, the States General; made to His Majesty on the 12th instant, when they had their publick audience, [sic]. London: printed for S. Popping, 1715. ESTC No. T189411. Grub Street ID 224906.
  • Whatley, Stephen. A collection of white and black lists or, a view of those gentlemen who have given their votes in Parliament for and against the Protestant religion, and succession, and the trade and liberties of their country; ever since the Glorious Revolution to the happy accession o King George. N. B. The Errors of all former Lists are here corrected. London: printed for S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Paternoster-Row; and sold by the book-sellers of London and Westminster, [1715]. ESTC No. T128510. Grub Street ID 178092.
  • British advice to the free-holders of Great-Britain: being an answer to a treasonable libel, intitl'd, English advice to the freeholders of England. London: printed for S. Popping, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminsten [sic], 1715. ESTC No. T29700. Grub Street ID 261039.
  • Whatley, Stephen. A collection of white and black lists or, a view of those gentlemen who have given their votes in Parliament for and against the Protestant religion, and succession, and the trade and liberties of their country; ever since the glorious revolution to the happy accession o King George. N.B. The errors of all former lists are here corrected. London: printed for S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Paternoster-Row; and Sold by the Book-Sellers of London and Westminster, 1715. ESTC No. N208. Grub Street ID 10177.
  • The duke of Buckingham's speech, spoken in the House of Lords, Feb. the 15th. [London: printed for S. Popping, 1715]. ESTC No. N2211. Grub Street ID 11473.
  • The zeal of the Tories for the church and state, demonstrated: with a letter to the High Church Clergy. London: printed for S. Popping, at the Black-Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, 1715. ESTC No. T3157. Grub Street ID 262378.
  • Wassenaer, Arent van. The speech which their Excellencies Messieurs van Duyvenvoorde and van Borsseleu ambassadors extraordinary from the States-General, to his Majesty, ... on the 12th instant, when they had their publick audience. London: printed for S. Popping, 1715. ESTC No. T147472. Grub Street ID 194026.
  • Wassenaer, Arent van. The speech which their Excellencies, Messieurs van Duyvenvoord and van Borsselen ambassadors extraordinary from their High Mightinesses, the States General; made to His Majesty on the 12th instant, when they had their publick audience. London: printed for S. Popping, at the Blacl-Raven [sic] in Pater-Noster-Row, 1715. Price Three-Half-Pence., [1715]. ESTC No. T49734. Grub Street ID 277496.
  • A cry for justice, against all the impeach'd and attainted rebels and traytors. Shewing: that mercy to K. George's enemies, is cruelty to all true friends ... London: printed for S. Popping, 1716. ESTC No. T200332. Grub Street ID 231993.
  • Johnston, James. Panegyrical essays upon the prayer Lord, pity the people; the only words of William I. Prince of Orange, The Founder of the Government of the United Provinces, at his sudden and violent death, 10th July 1584. Transform'd into the order they are now in, anno 1714, upon his Majesty's accession to the Crown. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black-Raven in Pater-Noster-Row; J. Harrison at the Royal-Exchange; A. Dodd without Temple-Bar; M. Baldwin in Story's-Passage, 1716. ESTC No. T91261. Grub Street ID 311108.
  • Remarks upon the E. of Derwentwater's speech. With an account of the Lord Kenmure's behaviour, who was beheaded on Tower-Hill, for high treason against his most sacred Majesty King George, February the 24th, 1715/16. [London: printed for S. Popping, 1716]. ESTC No. N55491. Grub Street ID 38990.
  • A true (tho' a short) account of the ancient Britons: in respect to their descent, qualities, settlement, country, language, learning and religion. With the effigies of Llewelyn ap Gruffyth, the last Prince of Wales of the British-blood. By J.L. a Cambro-Briton. London: printed for S. Popping, 1716. ESTC No. T51939. Grub Street ID 279119.
  • Fuller, William. A letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of Oxford, in the Tower. By William Fuller, Gent. London: printed for S. Popping, at the black Raven in Pater-Noster Row, 1716. ESTC No. T38406. Grub Street ID 267883.
  • Atterbury, Francis. The speech, of the Right Reverend the L---d B------ of R------, at the election of the Earl of A-----, to be High Steward of Westminster. London: printed for S. Popping, 1716. ESTC No. N46842. Grub Street ID 31638.
  • Hampden, Richard. A speech made in the House of Commons, by Richard Hampden Esq; on Tuesday the 24th of April, 1716. At the second reading of the bill for enlarging the time for continuance of parliaments, &c. London: printed for S. Popping, 1716. ESTC No. T49625. Grub Street ID 277404.
  • Fuller, William. An humble appeal to the impartial judgement of all parties in Great Britain, Concerning the Spurious Birth and Pretentions of the Pretender. Or, A full Proof of his being the Son of Mrs. Mary Grey; Particularly demonstrated by uncorrupted Evidence, in the whole Matter of Truth. London: printed for S. Popping, at the black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, 1716. ESTC No. T36802. Grub Street ID 266686.
  • An account of the tryal of the Earl of Winton; which began on the 15th, and ended the 19th of March, 1716. [London: printed for S.J. Popping at the Black Raven in P[ater-]noster-Row, 1716]. ESTC No. N72408. Grub Street ID 52164.
  • Dunton, John. Mordecai's memorial: or, There's Nothing done for Him. Being A Satyr upon Some-Body, but I name No-Body: (or, in Plainer English, A Just and Generous Representation of Unrewarded Services, by which the Protestant Succession has been sav'd out of Danger.) Written By an Unknown and Disinterested Clergy-Man, And most humbly Inscrib'd to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Guardian of these Realms. London: printed for S. Popping; and are to be sold by J. Harrison, near the Royal Exchange, and A. Dodd without Temple-Bar, [1716]. ESTC No. T27637. Grub Street ID 259540.
  • Oldmixon, John. The Catholick poet; or, Protestant Barnaby's sorrowful lamentation: an excellent new ballad. To the tune of, Which no body can deny. [London: printed for J. Morphew, J. Roberts, R. Burleigh, J. Baker, and S. Popping; and sold by all the booksellers in England, dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick upon Tweed, 1716]. ESTC No. N5677. Grub Street ID 39917.
  • Dennis, John. A true character of Mr. Pope, and his writings. In a letter to a friend. London: printed for S. Popping, 1716. ESTC No. T51832. Grub Street ID 279029.
  • Whatley, Stephen. The mug vindicated: to which is prefix'd, an account of the rise, progress, and constitution, of those loyal societies. Being an answer to the popular Objections of the Faction against them, contain'd in Sir H. M's malicious and scurrilous libel, address'd to the Parliament, and entitul'd, Down with the mug, or reasons for suppressing the mughouses. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black-Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1717]. ESTC No. T102345. Grub Street ID 156174.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn Basilikē. Tou pateros kai tou huiou. Or, the pourtracture of King James the First, and King Charles the First; part of it drawn by their own hands. Together with the articles of marriage betwixt Prince Charles and the Infanta of Spain, as also the Articles of Marriage betwixt Him and Maria of France, for the bringing in of Popert. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1717]. ESTC No. T146405. Grub Street ID 193054.
  • The faction: a poem on the new Jacobite and Swedish conspiracy. London: printed for S Popping at the Black-Raven in Paternoster-Row, J Harrison at the Royal-Exchange, and A Dodd without Temple-Bar, M.DCC.XVII. [1717]. ESTC No. T71675. Grub Street ID 295226.
  • The invasion, a poem in allusion to the VIIth epode of Horace. London: printed for S. Popping, 1717. ESTC No. N16959. Grub Street ID 6459.
  • Aldridge, Thomas. The prevalency of prayer, set forth in a rustic, but faithful narrative of the deplorable case of the children of John Baldwin of Sarret, in the county of Hertford. With the manner of their recovery. And A brief Account of some other Remarkable Instances added in an Appendix. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black-Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1717]. ESTC No. T44282. Grub Street ID 272719.
  • Gentleman at Edinburgh.. The history and argument of the Scots presbyterians that have scruples in relation to some words contain'd in the oath of abjuration, as it now stands. In a letter from a gentleman at Edinburgh to a member of Parliament. London: printed for S. Popping, 1717. ESTC No. T194207. Grub Street ID 228179.
  • Fuller, William. Truth brought to light by time: fully proving who was the real mother of the Pretender. Demonstrated by uncorrupted evidence in every fact. To which is added, a letter to the Earl of Oxford. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster Row, [1717]. ESTC No. T51967. Grub Street ID 279144.
  • Motives to an union amongst protestants, to prevent the growth of popery: and the danger that the established protestant Church of England may sustain from the rage and malice of the bloody papists, and their adherents, either at home or abroad. London: printed for S. Popping, 1717. ESTC No. T170271. Grub Street ID 207987.
  • An account of the Swedish and Jacobite plot. With a vindication of our government from the horrid aspersions of its enemies. And a postscript, relating to the Post-Boy of Saturday, Feb. 23. In a letter to a person of quality, occasion'd by the publishing of Count Gyllemborg's letters. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, J. Harrison at the Royal-Exchange, and A. Dodd at the Peacock without Temple-Bar, M.DCC.XVII. [1717]. ESTC No. T106276. Grub Street ID 159446.
  • Some considerations upon His Majesty's message; and the Dutchies of Bremen and Verden. In a letter to the Worshipful Mr. - Mayor of S- To which is prefix'd, a map of those Dutchies; and of the Rivers Elbe and Weser. [London]: Printed for S. Popping, at the Black-Raven; and sold by the booksellers, [1717]. ESTC No. T56074. Grub Street ID 282622.
  • Dr. Sherlock's Vindication of the Test Act examin'd, and the false foundations of it exposed. In answer to so much of his book against the Bishop of Bangor, as relates to the Protestant dissenters. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black-Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, J. Harrison at the Royal-Exchange, and A. Dodd, without Temple-Bar [1718]. ESTC No. T56888. Grub Street ID 283258.
  • Johnston, James. Panegyrical essays upon the prayer Lord, pity the people; the only words of William I. Prince of Orange, ... at his sudden and violent death, 10th July 1584. Transform'd into the order they are now in, anno 1714, upon his Majesty's accession to the Crown. London: printed for S. Popping; J. Harrison; A. Dodd, 1718. ESTC No. T170327. Grub Street ID 208038.
  • Saint-Réal. The conspiracy of the Spaniards against the republick of Venice. Translated from the French. London: printed for T. Harbin, S. Popping, and Mary Turner, 1719. ESTC No. N68593. Grub Street ID 49939.
  • Sault, Richard. The second spira: being a fearful example of an atheist, who had apostatized from the christian religion, and died in despair at Westminster, December 8. 1692. ... By J. S. a Minister of the Church of England, ... The thirtieth edition. To which is added, (1.) A key to the second spira, ... (5.) A wounded spirit who can bear; ... By Mr. John Dunton, ... London: printed for S. Popping, [1719]. ESTC No. T150334. Grub Street ID 196161.
  • Dunton, John. Mordecai's memorial: or, there's nothing done for him proving the several early, expensive, and succesful discoveries in Mr. John Dunton's neck adventures to secure the Protestant succession in the illustrious house of Hanover, to be all matter of fact. And that he is a parallel instance to the Persian Mordecai, for his distinguish'd (tho' as yet unrewarded) services, in detecting the Jacobite plot against his Majesty's royal person and family, both in the late, and present reign. Written by a reverend and dissinterested clergy-man. And most humbly inscrib'd, to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, when guardian of these realms. London: printed for S. Popping; and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1719. ESTC No. N72303. Grub Street ID 52089.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The plebeian. To be continued weekly. No I. Considerations upon the reports relating to the peerage. By a member of the House of Commons. London: printed for S. Popping, 1719. ESTC No. T122210. Grub Street ID 172934.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The plebeian. No II. Considerations upon the reports relating to the peerage continued; and remarks upon the pamphlets that have been writ for the supposed bill. By a member of the House of Commons. London: printed for S. Popping, 1719. ESTC No. T173000. Grub Street ID 210322.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The plebeian. No III. By a member of the House of Commons. London: printed for S. Popping, 1719. ESTC No. T173001. Grub Street ID 210323.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The plebeian. No III. By a member of the House of Commons. London: printed for S. Popping, 1719. ESTC No. T115614. Grub Street ID 167323.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The plebeian. No IV. Considerations upon the reports about the peerage, continued; in particular, with relation to the Scots nobility with remarks on The patrician, No II. and The Old Whig, No II. By a member of the House of Commons. London: printed for S. Popping, 1719. ESTC No. T115615. Grub Street ID 167324.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The plebeian. To be continued weekly. No I. Considerations upon the reports relating to the peerage. By a member of the House of Commons. London: printed for S. Popping, 1719. ESTC No. T115616. Grub Street ID 167325.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The plebeian. No IV. Considerations upon the reports about the peerage, continued; in particular, with relation to the Scots nobility with remarks on The patrician, No II. and The Old Whig, No II. By a member of the House of Commons. London: printed for S. Popping, 1719. ESTC No. T115617. Grub Street ID 167326.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The plebeian. No III. By a member of the House of Commons. London: printed for S. Popping, 1719. ESTC No. T115618. Grub Street ID 167327.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The plebeian. No II. Considerations upon the reports relating to the peerage continued; and remarks upon the pamphlets that have been writ for the supposed bill. By a member of the House of Commons. London: printed for S. Popping, 1719. ESTC No. T115619. Grub Street ID 167328.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The plebeian. No II. Considerations upon the reports relating to the peerage continued; and remarks upon the pamphlets that have been writ for the supposed bill. By a member of the House of Commons. London: printed for S. Popping, 1719. ESTC No. T115620. Grub Street ID 167329.
  • Saint-Réal. [The] conspiracy of the Spaniards against the republick of Venice. Translated from the French. London: printed for T. Harbin, at the Bible and Anchor in the New Exchange in the Strand, S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, and Mary Turner at the Old Post-Office in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1719. ESTC No. T116984. Grub Street ID 168609.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The plebeian. To be continued weekly. No I. Considerations upon the reports relating to the peerage. By a member of the House of Commons. London: printed for S. Popping, 1719. ESTC No. T115621. Grub Street ID 167330.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The plebeian. To be continued weekly. No I. Considerations upon the reports relating to the peerage. By a member of the House of Commons. London: printed for S. Popping, 1719. ESTC No. T115622. Grub Street ID 167331.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The plebeian. To be continued weekly. No I. Considerations upon the reports relating to the peerage. By a member of the House of Commons. London: printed for S. Popping, 1719. ESTC No. N20245. Grub Street ID 9643.
  • The London journal; or, The Thursday's journal, continu'd on Saturdays. London [England]: printed for S. Popping, at the Black-Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1719-1720]. ESTC No. P3439. Grub Street ID 56777.
  • The Thursday's journal; with a weekly letter from Paris. London [England]: printed by W. Wilkins, at the Dolpin in Little Britain; for S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Pater Noster-Row, [1719]. ESTC No. P3440. Grub Street ID 56778.
  • The plebeian. ... Considerations upon the reports relating to the peerage. By a Member of the House of Commons. London [England]: printed for S[arah]. Popping at the Black Raven in Paternoster-Row. 1719. (Price 6d.) Where letters are taken in, directed for the Plebeian, [1719]. ESTC No. P1758. Grub Street ID 55532.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The plebeians. By a member of the House of Commons. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black Raven in Paternoster-Row, M.DCC.XIX. [1719]. ESTC No. T114589. Grub Street ID 166384.
  • The barbadoes packet; containing several original papers: giving an account of the most material transactions that have lately happened in a certain part of the West-Indies. In a letter from a gentleman of the said island to his friend in London. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black-Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1720]. ESTC No. T21367. Grub Street ID 240397.
  • The grand reprisal: in a letter to a member of Parliament, concerning the distressed state of our sister churches in the Palatinate, and other parts of the empire. Being the only Expedient for Redressing all at once, and for ever, their Grievances, and preventing for the Future our own Dangers from either the Pope, or Pretender. To which is subjoined a short account of the differences of His electoral Highness of Brunswick, now King of Great Britain, with the chapter of Hildesheim in the year 1711. In order to demonstrate both the necessity and practicableness of proceeding with Papists in way of reprisals. London: printed for S. Popping, at the Black-Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1720]. ESTC No. N18074. Grub Street ID 7547.
  • The Barbadoes packet; containing several original papers: giving an account of the most material transactions that have lately happened in a certain part of the West-Indies. In a letter from a gentleman of the said island to his friend in London. London: printed for S. Popping, 1720. ESTC No. N15374. Grub Street ID 5101.
  • A guide to the electors of Great-Britain. Being lists of all those members in the last Parliament who voted for and against such bills as were of the greatest importance, either to the Prerogatives of the Crown, or to the Privileges of the People. To which is added a list of the projectors, erectors, and directors of certain companies, which flourished in the year of the bubbles. London: printed for S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster Row, [1722]. ESTC No. T116130. Grub Street ID 167808.
  • Harris, Daniel. A sermon preach'd at Rumford in the county of Essex, on Monday the 22d of October, 1722. Before the Honourable Sir John Fortescue-Aland, Kt. one of the Judges of his Majesty's Court of King's Bench. Jeffery Gilbert Esq; one of the Barons of the Exchequer. Alexander Denton Esq; one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. Sir Henry Featherston, Bart. Sir Isaac Rebow, Knt. Sir Gilbert Heathcot, Kt. and Samuel Tuffnell Esq; Join'd in a special Commission of Oyer and Terminer then and there holden for the said County. By Daniel Harris, A. B. Publish'd at the Request of the Judges, the High-Sheriff and the Gentlemen of the Grand-Jury. [London]: Printed for S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row; and sold by John Nicks at the White Hart in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and John Clark at the Bible under the Royal Exchange, [1722?]. ESTC No. T45892. Grub Street ID 274090.
  • A list of all the names (who were skreen'd) mention'd in the report of the Committee of Secrecy. With the sums wherewith they are charged, in relation to South-Sea stock, ... As also the sum total of the late sub-governour's, deputy-governour's, and every director's estate; ... To which is added, an abstract of the supplement to the reports of the Committee of Secrecy. ... London: printed for S. Popping, 1722. ESTC No. N12235. Grub Street ID 2243.
  • The St. James's journal; with memoirs of literature, and the freshest advices foreign and domestick. London [England]: printed for S[arah]. Popping, at the Black-Raven, on Pater-noster-Row: where advertisements are taken in, [1722-1723]. ESTC No. P1734. Grub Street ID 55516.
  • Philalethes Britannicus.. A memorial of the present state of the British nation. Wherein the character and designs of parties, and other impartial particulars are set in an impartial light. Translated from the original by Philalethes Britannicus. London: printed for S. Popping, 1722. ESTC No. T75492. Grub Street ID 298217.
  • Dunton, John. Upon this moment depends eternity: or, Mr. John Dunton's serious thoughts upon the present and future state, in a fit of sickness that was judg'd mortal, ... By Mr. John Dunton, ... [London]: Printed for S. Popping in Pater-noster-Row, [1723]. ESTC No. T71913. Grub Street ID 295464.

Printed by and for, or by/for and sold by Sarah Popping

  • True passive obedience restor'd in 1710. In a dialogue between a country-man and a true patriot. London: printed and sold by S. Popping, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1710]. ESTC No. T51907. Grub Street ID 279094.
  • Compton, Henry. A letter concerning allegiance, Written by the Lord Bishop of L----n, to a clergy-man in Essex, Presently after the revolution. Never before Publish'd. To which are added Some queries, occasion'd by the late address of his Lordship and the clergy of London and Westminster. London: printed, and sold by S. Popping, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1710]. ESTC No. T37757. Grub Street ID 267322.
  • Both sides pleas'd: or, a dialogue between a Sacheverelite parson, and an Hoadlean gentleman: ... London: printed, and sold by S. Popping, 1710. ESTC No. T29563. Grub Street ID 260925.
  • Censor Censorum.. A condoling letter to the Tattler: On Account of the misfortunes of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq; A Prisoner in the ------------------- On Suspicion of Debt. London: printed and sold by S. Popping, at the Black Raven, in Pater-Noster-Row, [1710]. ESTC No. T56876. Grub Street ID 283247.
  • An address to the Church of England clergy, concerning resistance. London: printed and sold by S. Popping, 1710. ESTC No. T20408. Grub Street ID 234443.
  • The fallacy of absolute non-resistance fully detected. London: printed, and sold by S. Popping, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1710]. ESTC No. N8290. Grub Street ID 53198.
  • Spinke, John. Venus's botcher: or, the seventh edition of Mr. Martin's (comical) Treatise of the venereal disease, (as it merits) pleasantly examin'd and expos'd. In a letter to the said Mr. Martin. Publish'd for the diversion of the town; and for the necessary information, caution, and benefit of all those, who ever were, are, or may be under the due chastisement of a loathsome disease, for making an unlawful Entry into love's Paradice. And the true Cure of that disease directed to. London: printed: and sold by S. Popping, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, 1711. ESTC No. T54655. Grub Street ID 281440.
  • Scotch-loyalty exemplify'd, in the behaviour of the Dean of the faculty, and his brethren, at Edinburgh, in relation to the reception of a medal of the Pretender, presented to them by the Dutchess of Gourdon, with her Grace's, and their several speeches thereupon, as, also the number of those that were for and against admitting it amongst their rarities. London: printed for, and sold by S. Popping, [1711]. ESTC No. T6737. Grub Street ID 291963.
  • The surest way to a safe and lasting peace. London: printed, and are to be sold by S. Popping, 1711. ESTC No. N36480. Grub Street ID 24457.
  • The grand-Point, lately carried by the Common-Council, has lost the main-point. Or, a plain proof, that by forcing the late Lord-Mayor contrary to his Inclination (tho' he did it in Charity to the Orphans) to pass the act, to regulate the election of aldermen; yet it is contrary to the ancient rights of the citizens of London, the Scot and Lot men, who are unfreemen. By which the said Common-Council have Advanced the Whigs above the High-Church; And certainly lost their Designed Ends. In A Dialogue Betwixt A Whig-Alderman, and a Church-Common-Council-Man. To which is Annex'd, the said Act of Common-Council. London: printed and sold by S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1711]. ESTC No. N17850. Grub Street ID 7319.
  • Mather, Cotton. The right way to shake off a viper. An essay, on a case, too commonly calling for consideration. What shall good men do, when they are evil spoken of?. London: printed, and are to be sold by Sarah Popping, 1711. ESTC No. N25971. Grub Street ID 15333.
  • Observator.. No story like a true story. A Grecian story told by the Observator to Roger and Joan in the chimney-corner, about the ungreatful [sic] treatment that Aristides, ... met with from his country, notwithstanding his many victories, ... London: printed and sold by S. Popping, 1712. ESTC No. T221990. Grub Street ID 245067.
  • Golt, Abraham van. Belga-Britannus: or, the Hollander always in the English interest. With Remarks on the late ill Treatment the Dutch have met with from a certain Kingdom that is in Alliance with them. To which is added, the affair of Amboyna set in a true light, by one that liv'd upon the Spot, in Answer to a Pamphlet, call'd, Dutch Alliances, &c. In a letter from a Dutch merchant at Amsterdam, to his correspondent in London. London: printed: and sold by S. Popping at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1712]. ESTC No. T97629. Grub Street ID 317022.
  • Hickes, George. Some queries propos'd to civil, canon, and common lawyers. Publish'd in London, July 1712. In order to prove the legitimacy of the Pretender. With general remarks upon those queries. London: printed, and sold by S. Popping, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1712]. ESTC No. T96307. Grub Street ID 315764.
  • Johnston, James. The history of the most noble Order of the Garter. London: printed, and sold by S. Popping, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, 1712. ESTC No. T680. Grub Street ID 292331.
  • John Bull's last will and testament, as it was drawn by a Welch attorney. With a preface to the Ar--p of C--ry. By an eminent lawyer of the Temple. London: printed, and sold by S. Popping, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1713]. ESTC No. T61066. Grub Street ID 286769.
  • John Bull's last will and testament, as it was drawn by a Welch attorney. With a preface to the Ar--p of C--ry. By an eminent lawyer of the Temple. London: printed, and sold by S. Popping, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1713]. ESTC No. T29126. Grub Street ID 260580.
  • A poem upon the bright, auspicious day of His Majesty's coronation. London: printed, and are to be sold by S. Popping, 1714. ESTC No. N11735. Grub Street ID 1738.
  • A resolution of some questions, upon the clause in 12. & 13. W. III. c. 2. which enacts, that after the said limitation shall take effect, ... no person born out of ... England, Scotland or Ireland, ... shall be capable to be of the Privy Council, or a member of either Hous of Parliament; or to enjoy any office or place of trust, ... or to have any grant of lands, tenements, or hereditaments ... London: printed, and are to be sold by S. Popping, 1715. ESTC No. N13131. Grub Street ID 3080.
  • Reasons for repealing the Occasional and Schism-Acts. To which is added, A true and correct list of the Lords and Commons of the Fifth Parliament of Great-Britain, to meet at Westminster, the 17th of March. Dedicated to a certain Earl. London: printed and sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row, J. Harrison at the Royal-Exchange, A. Dodd and A. Boulter without Temple-Bar, [1715]. ESTC No. T46399. Grub Street ID 274541.
  • Semper Anonimus.. The dream, a poem. By Semper Anonimus. London: printed, and sold by S. Popping at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Rowe, [1715]. ESTC No. T89472. Grub Street ID 309366.
  • Defoe, Daniel. A hymn to the mob. London: printed, and sold by S. Popping; J. Fox; S. Boulter; A. Boulter; and J. Harrison, 1715. ESTC No. T56912. Grub Street ID 283284.
  • A list of one unanimous club of voters, In the Long Parliament Dissolv'd in 1678. Fit to be stitch'd to the Collection of the White and Black Lists, lately publish'd. London: printed and sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row, and J. Harrison at the Corner of Castle-Alley in Cornhil, 1715. ESTC No. T41019. Grub Street ID 270018.
  • The oracle. London [England]: printed, and sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Rowe, [1715]. ESTC No. P6347. Grub Street ID 58063.
  • St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke. A letter to the Examiner; to which is prefix'd, a preliminary discourse and preface; together with some necessary observations, and postscript to it. London: printed, and sold by S. Popping, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Rowe, 1715. ESTC No. T38262. Grub Street ID 267745.
  • The harmony of the Lutheran doctrine, with that of the Church of England prov'd: by a comparison of the articles of that church and those of the Augsburg Confession. Set in opposite columns. Which may serve as an answer to ... reflections upon the King, ... because His Majesty was bred a Lutheran. London: printed and sold by S. Popping, 1715. ESTC No. T167476. Grub Street ID 205554.
  • Author of Ahab's evil.. The rebell's doom. Or a thanksgiving sermon, upon the defeat and execution of the high-church Lords and their adherents, Preach'd to a Congregation of Protestant Dissenters By the author of Ahab's evil. London: printed and sold by S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1716]. ESTC No. T46488. Grub Street ID 274574.
  • The fatal harmony: or, an agreement betwixt the Jesuits and High-Church, to make void the Laws of God and man, demonstrated, by the writings of the former, compar'd with the known practices of the latter: under each of the ten commandments. London: printed, and sold by J. Harrison at the Royal Exchange, A. Boulter without Temple-Bar, and S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.XVI. [1716]. ESTC No. T93288. Grub Street ID 312991.
  • A King and no King: or, the best argument for a just title. Being the present case of Great Britain, briefly consider'd in a seasonable address to the people. London: printed and sold by S. Popping, and by the book-sellers of London and West-minster, 1716. ESTC No. T199544. Grub Street ID 231618.
  • Contented Clergy-man.. The unhappy couple parted; or, the adultress divorc'd. In a sermon ... By a contented clergy-man. London: printed, and are to be sold by S. Popping, 1716. ESTC No. T194724. Grub Street ID 228594.
  • Divine of the Church of England.. The true Britons vade mecum: or, Queen Anne's last legacy to her good people of England. With the lives, condemnation, and death of six sisters, virgins, and martyrs, in the reign of Queen Mary I. ... By a divine of the Church of England lately deceased. London: printed, and sold by J. Marshal; J. Harrison; A. Boulter; S. Boulter; J. Fox; and S. Popping, 1716. ESTC No. N45843. Grub Street ID 30713.
  • Mughouse-diversion: or, a collection of loyal prologues, and songs, spoke and sung at the mug-houses. Particularly the order and method of the loyal societies, by way of prologue. Most of which were never yet printed. London: printed, and sold by S. Popping, E. Harrison, A. Dodd, J. Marshal, and J. King, 1717. ESTC No. T177480. Grub Street ID 214414.
  • Mughouse-Diversion. Or, a collection of loyal prologues, and songs, spoke and sung at the mug-houses. Most of which were never yet printed. London: printed, and sold by S. Popping at the Black-Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, E. Harrison at the Royal-Exchange, A. Dodd without Temple-Bar, J. Marshal at the Bible in Newgate-Street, and J. King over-against the Globe Tavern in Fore-Street, [1717]. ESTC No. T91616. Grub Street ID 311445.
  • Dunton, John. The pulpit-Lunaticks: or a mad answer to the Mad Report, Made by a Committee of Mad Priests, against Benjamin, Lord Bishop of Bangor. Being A Mad Venture of Neck or Nothing to save the Church, By that Mad Author, who ran the same Hazard to save the State. The whole Satyr Consisting of nothing but Mad Reflections upon the Mad Steps that were lately taken by the Lower House of Convocation, (now most deservedly call'd The New Bedlam) in charging this Right Reverend Father in God with Dangerous Positions and Doctrines, in his Preservative and Sermon, Preach'd March 31. 1717, and contains A Secret History of the Raving Fits of the Pulpit-Lunaticks (or Convocation-Madmen) for above a Thousand Years, but more especially from Arch-Bishop Lauds High-Church Phrenzy down to their late Prorogation with A Distinct and Mad Character of the Atheism, Pride, Heresies and Treason of all those Dignify'd clergymen that have occasion'd the present Distraction both in Church and State. Also, A Mad Speech to. London: printed, and sold by S. Popping, in Pater-Noster-Row, [1717]. ESTC No. T64427. Grub Street ID 289462.
  • A rebuke to the High-Church priests, for turning the 30th of January into a madding-day, by their railing discourses against the revolution, And (by Consequence) the Laws which settle the Protestant Succession on King George and His Royal Family. London: printed: and sold by S. Popping in Pater-Noster-Row, [1717]. ESTC No. T108325. Grub Street ID 161225.
  • The second part of the Rebuke to the High-Church priests, for turning the 30th of January into a madding-day: being the history of the match betwixt King Charles I, and Henrietta Maria of France. ... London: printed: and sold by S. Popping, 1717. ESTC No. T108326. Grub Street ID 161226.
  • Mughouse-diversion: or, A collection of loyal prologues and songs, spoke and sung at the mug-houses. Particularly, the order and method of the loyal sosieties, by way of prologue. London: printed, and sold by S. Popping at the Black Raven in Paternoster Row, E. Harrison at the Royal Exchange, A Dodd without Temple Bar, J. Marshal at the Bible in Newgatestreet, and J. King overagainst the Globe Tavern in Forestreet, 1717. ESTC No. N70985. Grub Street ID 51405.
  • Roberts, Mrs. Anne. The chichester dean, and his Colchester Amazon: or, Mrs. Anne Roberts's letter to the author of the Flying-Post, in Defence of the Master of the Temple: With an Answer to it, and Remarks on his Reasons for continuing the Test Act, &c. against the Dissenters. London: printed; and sold by S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster Row, [1718]. ESTC No. T94288. Grub Street ID 313886.
  • An account of the debates for and against the bill for punishing mutiny and desertion. with the Protests on that Head. London: printed, and sold by S. Popping, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1718]. ESTC No. T18851. Grub Street ID 224322.
  • The indulgent parents, and rebellious children. Being a true narrative of the unparallel'd rebellion of the sons of Mr. Nathanael Oade Senior, Potter in Gravel-Lane, Southwark, against him and their mother. With a brief account of the tryal of the said Sons at Kingston Assizes, in March and August 1718. In vindication of the said Mr. Nathanael Oade, against a villanous libel, intituled, The unnatural parent, lately publish'd by Thomas Oade (one of his Rebellious Sons) while under Sentence in the Marshalsee Prison. To this is added a caution from the laws of God and man, against the disobedience of children. London: printed: and sold by S. Popping, at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1718]. ESTC No. T118153. Grub Street ID 169707.
  • A week's preparation for solemnizing the thirtieth of January. London: printed: and sold by S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster Row, [1718]. ESTC No. T79490. Grub Street ID 301051.
  • Country Gentleman.. A guide to gentlemen and farmers, for brewing the finest malt-liquors, much better and cheaper than hitherto known. ... The third edition, with an addition of 25 receipts ... By a country gentleman. London: printed and sold by S. Popping, 1719. ESTC No. T122350. Grub Street ID 173058.
  • Lover of the Truth, as it is in Jesus. Plain dealing: or a friendly reproof to the Reverend Mr. William Bush, and Mr. David Jennings, both dissenting ministers near Wapping; for refusing to subscribe the declaration for the ever blessed Trinity. And also, a word of advice to the dissenting congregations in and about the city of London. With the black list of the rest of the non-subscribing ministers. By a lover of the truth, as it is in Jesus. London: printed, and are to be sold by S. Popping, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1719. ESTC No. N11579. Grub Street ID 1582.
  • Saint-Réal. The conspiracy of the Spaniards against the republick of Venice. By Monsieur Amelot de la Houssai. Made English from the French original, and Addressed to Cardinal Alberoni. London: printed, and sold by E. Curll in Fleet-Street, T. Harbin in the New Exchange, J. Graves in St. James's Street, and S. Popping in Pater-Noster Row, 1719. ESTC No. T165354. Grub Street ID 203610.
  • Mug-house diversion: or, a collection of loyal prologues and songs, spoke and sung at the mug-houses. Particularly the order and method of the loyal societies, by way of prologue. London: printed, and sold by S. Popping, E. Harrison, A. Morris, John Marshal, Joseph Marshal, and J. King, 1719. ESTC No. T91617. Grub Street ID 311446.
  • Burnet, Sir Thomas. An appeal to common sense: or, a sober vindication of Dr. Woodward's State of physick. By a divine of the Church of England. London: printed: and sold by S. Popping, 1719. ESTC No. T1157. Grub Street ID 167392.
  • The lay-mens humble representation of their just grievances: to those reverend ministers of the gospel, who witnessed a good confession at Salter's-Hall, by subscribing to the first article of the Church of England, and to the fifth and sixth answers in the Assembly's catechism; occasioned by their unwary conduct in suffering those gentlemen of the new scheme to preach in their pulpits, ... London: printed, and sold by S. Popping, 1720. ESTC No. T171246. Grub Street ID 208870.
  • Ussher, James. Strange and remarkable prophecies and predictions of the holy, learned, and excellent James Usher, late Lord Archbishop of Armagh, ... Written by the person who heard it from this excellent man's own mouth, ... London: printed and sold by R. G. and S. Popping. Sold also at the Globe in Meath-street, Dublin, 1770. ESTC No. N23400. Grub Street ID 12761.