gave him her Scarf as a Pledge; notwithstanding which, he refus’d to car­ry them back, I suppose, for fear they might call up­on some Bully or other, that might make him deliver up his Security, without any other Redemption than a Thrash’d Jacket. Thus were the unfortunate Madams dismounted of their Coach, and were forc’d to Mob it on Foot with the rest of their Sisters.

There being nothing further that occur’d, or any thing to be seen, worth Notice, only a Turkey Ram, with as much Wooll upon his Tail as would Load a Wheel-Barrow, and a couple of Tygers, grown now so common they are scarce worth mentioning; I shall therefore con­clude the Account we give you of May-Fair, in these following Lines.

’Tis a sad Rendezvous of the Wickedest of Wretches, Poor Rogues without Money, and Whores without Patches, A Sodom for Sin, where the worst Jack of Dandy, May S— the Fair for a Gallon of Brandy.


The Spy and his Friend go to St. James’. The Opinion of an Irish Dear Joy upon the Whales Rib there. A Description of the Park, and the Ladies of the Court, with a Copy of Verses upon Woman, A Description of Westminster-Abby. A Company of Train-Bands, Westminster-Hall, and the Courts of Justice; with the Character of a Pettifogger. A Story of the Great Bell at Westminster. Remarks upon the Tennis-Court at White-Hall, and the Ruines there; with the Cha­racter of a Foot Soldier.

FOR want of Glasses to our Coach, having drawn up our Tin-Sashes, pink’d like the bot­tom of a Cullender, that the Air might pass thro’ the Holes, and defend us from Stifling, we were convey’d from the Fair thro’ a Suffocating Cloud of Dusty Atoms, to St. James’s Palace, in Reverence to which we alighted and discharg’d our Grumbling Essedartus, who stuck very close to our Backsides, and mutter’d heavily, according to their old Custom, for t’other Six-pence; till at last, moving us a little beyond our Patience, we gave an Angry Positive Denial to his Unreasonable Importunities; and so parted with our Unconscionable Carrion-Scourger, who we found, like the rest of his Fraternity, had taken up the Miserly Immoral Rule, viz. Never to be satisfied.

We pass’d thro’ a Lofty Porch into the first Court,
