Christchurch Parish


  • Christchurch Parish
  • Christ Church Parish


  • Christchurch Parish


from A New View of London, by Edward Hatton (1708)

[Christ-Church Parish.] The Contents of Christ-Church Parish, is as follows:

Beginning at Newgate, it extends on the N. side of Newgate str. to St. Martins le Grand, and 3 Houses on the W. side thereof; also Swan yard, Grey fryars; Christ's Hospital and Butcher hall lane, and in Bull and mouth str. 7 Houses on the S. side (toward the said Lane) and 11 on the N. and in Angel str. 28 Houses from Butcher hall lane; also Crowns court, Bull head court, Pincock lane, and the Bagnio.

And on the S. side of Newgate str. from the Gate Ed to two Houses beyond Pannier alley; also Phoenix court, all the W. side of Warwick lane, and the N. side of Amen corner to the Gate, and the Courts, &c. in this compass. On the E. side of Warwick lane 6 Houses from Newgate str. also Crown court, the W. side of Rose str. and two Houses on the E. side from Newgate str. besides the corner House. In Ivy lane 2 Houses on the E. side, and 2 on the W. (besides the corners) all Swan court; in Queens head alley to the Steps; likewise Kings head or Crown court; and in Pannier alley 2 Houses on the E. and 3 on the W. sides, comprizing in the whole Parish 366 Houses.

from New remarks of London, by the Worshipful Company of Parish Clerks (1732)

[Christ Church Parish.] Christ Church is so called from being dedicated to our Blessed Saviour Christ.

It was founded by King Henry VIII. consumed by the Fire in 1666, and rebuilt in 1687, a little more eastward from whence it stood before.

This Church is situate on the north side of Newgate Street behind the Houses, and close to the Hospital, and the east end of the Church is in Butcherhall-lane, in the Ward of Farringdon within.

It is an Impropriation, and the Governors of St Bartholomew's-Hospital appoint a Vicar; but the Parish of St Leonard is a Rectory in the Gift of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, and the Governors of St Bartholomew's-Hospital, who present alternately. The Tythes per Act of Parliament 22, 23 Car. II. is 2001. per Ann.

The Vicar is the Rev. Dr Jofeph Trapp, and the Lecturer is the Rev. Mr Benson.

Prayers are daily at 11 and 5 in the Summer, and 11 and 3 in the Winter, by 5 Curates. A fine Organ. 2 Bells.

The Gift Sermons are, 1 on Christmas-Day, the Gift Mrs Elizabeth Banister. 1 on St Stephen's-Day, the Gift of the Lady Mary Ramsey. 1 on the first Day of Lent, the Gift of the said Lady Mary Ramsey. 1 on the Sunday after Ascenfion-Day, the Gift of Mr Thomas Sketchley, 1 on St John Baptist's-Day, the Gift of Mr Richard Minge. 1 on St Mathew's-Day, the Gift of Mr John Banks. 1 on the 5th of November, the Gift of George Humble Esq; 1 on the 17th of November, the Gift of Thomas Barnes Esq;

The Vestry is general.

The Parish-Officers for Christ Church are
2 Church-Wardens.
4 Collectors of the Poor.
The Ward-Officers are
4 Common-Council Men.
4 Constables.
4 Inquests.
4 Scavengers.


Remarkable Places and Things are, the College of Physicians in Warwick-lane; and Christ's-Hospital, alias the Blewcoat-Hospital; and the Prison belonging to the Liberty of St Martin le Grand, the back side of the King's Arms Tavern.

Here are 2 Charity-Schools in Bull and Mouth-street, 1 for 50 Boys, and 1 for 40 Girls.

This Parish begins at Newgate, and extends on the north side of Newgate-street to St Martin le Grand, and takes in 3 Houses on the west side thereof; also Swan yard, Grey-Fryars, Christs-Hospital, Butcherhall-lane, and 7 Houses in Bull and Mouth-street on the south side; 12 on the north side, and 28 in Angel-street from Butcherhall-lane, also Crown-court, Bullhead-court, Pentecost or Bagnio-lane, and the Bagnio. On the fouth side of Newgate-Street it extends from the Gate eastward to 2 Doors beyond Pannier-alley, and takes in Phenix-court, all the west side of Warwick-lane, and the north side of Amen-Corner to the Gate, and the Courts, &c. in that compass. On the east side of Warwick-lane it takes in 6 Houses from Newgate-street, Crown-court, the west side of Rose-street, and 2 Houses on the east side from Newgate-street, besides the corner House. In Ivy-lane it takes in 2 Houses on the east side, and 2 on the west side, besides the corner Houses, and all Swan-court In Queenshead-alley it extends to the Steps, and takes in Kingshead or Three Cup-court; and in Pannier-alley 2 Houses on the east and 3 on the west sides.

Street, Lanes, Courts, Alleys, &c.
Part ofNewgate-street Butcherhall-lane
———St Martin le Grand———Bull and Mouth-st
 Grey-Fryars Crown-court
 Bullhead-court Crown-court
 Pentecost or Bag-———Ivy-lane
 Phoenix-court Swan-court
Part ofWarwick-lane———Queenshead-alley
 Oxford-Arms-Inn- Kingshead or three
 [Passage [Cup-court
———Rose-street No of Houses 350.