The archbishop of Cambray's dissertation on pure love. With an account of the life and writings of the lady, for whose sake the Archbishop was banished from Court. And the grievous Persecutions she suffered in France for her Religion. Also two letters, written by one of the lady's maids, during her confinement in the castle of Vincennes where she was a Prisoner eight Years: One of the Letters was writ with a Bit of Stick instead of a Pen, and Soot instead of Ink, to her Brother; the other to a clergyman.

All titles
  • The archbishop of Cambray's dissertation on pure love. With an account of the life and writings of the lady, for whose sake the Archbishop was banished from Court. And the grievous Persecutions she suffered in France for her Religion. Also two letters, written by one of the lady's maids, during her confinement in the castle of Vincennes where she was a Prisoner eight Years: One of the Letters was writ with a Bit of Stick instead of a Pen, and Soot instead of Ink, to her Brother; the other to a clergyman.
  • Dissertation on pure love
People / Organizations
London: sold by G. Thomson, R. Dampier, W. Manson, and J. Bland, [1775?]
Publication year
Grub Street ID
187,[1]p.,plate ; 12⁰
Fénelon's text appears to consist largely of extracts from Les oeuvres spirituelles.
Uncontrolled note
The imprint may be false. ESTC index records R. Dampier and G. Thomson in association with fictitious imprints 1765-1775. Frontis = plate