Publications of William Rufus Chetwood

Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.

What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.

In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:

  1. "printed by x"; or
  2. "sold by x"; or
  3. "printed for x" or "published by x";

or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):

  1. "printed and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.

Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.

David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:

The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
     London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
     London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
     London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.

D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).

Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.

A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).


  • Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
  • Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
  • John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
  • John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
  • David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
  • Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
  • D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
  • Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).

Sold by William Rufus Chetwood

  • The gentleman's recreation, in four parts. Viz. Hunting, fowling. Hawking, fishing. Wherein those generous exercises are largely treated of; ... Whereto is added, a perfect abstract of all the forest-laws, ... To which is prefix'd a large sculpture, giving easy direction for blowing the horn. And other sculptures ... London: printed for N. C. [Cox] and sold by J. Wilcox, J. Sackfield, J. Batley, and W. Chetwood, 1721. ESTC No. T133087. Grub Street ID 181956.
  • A select collection of novels in six volumes. Written by the most celebrated authors in several languages. Many of which never appear'd in English before; and all new translated from the originals, by several eminent hands. London: printed for J. Watts; and sold by W. Mears at the Lamb without Temple-Bar, J. Brotherton and W. Meadows at the Black-Bull in Cornhill, W. Chetwood in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, and J. Lacy at the Ship between the two Temple-Gates, Fleet-Street, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T59889. Grub Street ID 285840.
  • Letters of Abelard and Heloise. To which is prefix'd, a particular account of their lives, amours, and misfortunes Extracted chiefly from Monsieur Bayle. translated from the French. London: printed for J. Watts; and sold by W. Mears at the Lamb without Temple-Bar, J. Brotherton and W. Meadows at the Black-Bull in Cornhill, W. Chetwood in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, and J. Lacy at the Ship between the two Temple-Gates, Fleet-Street, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T38502. Grub Street ID 267970.
  • Alethson, Phil. A true system of religion, according to the best astronomical observations. By Phil. Alethson, A.C.S. in Academiâ Betlemiensi. London: printed for J. W. and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, and W. Chetwood in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T86348. Grub Street ID 306583.
  • Burman, Pieter. An oration by Mr. Peter Burman against the studies of humanity. ... Translated into English, and the original annext. London: printed by J. W. and sold by J. Roberts, and W. Chetwood, 1722. ESTC No. T115335. Grub Street ID 167099.
  • Cox, Nicholas. The gentleman's recreation, in four parts. Viz. Hunting, hawking, fowling. fishing. Wherein those generous exercises are largely treated of; and the Terms of Art for Hunting and Hawking, more amply enlarged than heretofore. Also the Method of Breeding and Managing a Hunting-Horse: Unto which is now annex'd an Appendix of choice Receipts for the Cure of several Maladies. Whereto is added, a perfect abstract of all the forest-laws, and of every particular Act of Parliament since Magna Charta to this Time, as do any Way relate to the several kinds of Game above-mention'd; with several Forms of Warrants relating thereto, never before printed. To which is prefix'd a large sculpture, giving easy direction for blowing the horn. And four other sculptures proper to each Recreation. London: printed for N. C. and sold by J. Wilcox, at the Green-Dragon in Little-Britain, J. Sackfield, in Lincoln's-Inn-Square, J. Batley, at the Dove in Pater-Noster-Row, and W. Chetwood, at the Cato's Head in Russel-Street Covent-Garden, MDCCXXI. [1721]. ESTC No. N30577. Grub Street ID 19499.
  • Croxall, Samuel. The fair Circassian, a dramatic performance. Done from the original by a gentleman-commoner of Oxford. The second edition corrected. To which are added several Occasional poems, by the same author. London: printed for J. Watts; and sold by Samuel Chapman at the Angel in Pall-Mall, and William Chetwood at Cato's Head in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXI. [1721]. ESTC No. T26890. Grub Street ID 258851.
  • Croxall, Samuel. The secret history of Pythagoras: translated from the original copy lately found at Otranto in Italy. By J. W. M.D. London: printed for J. W. and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, and W. Chetwood in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T65366. Grub Street ID 290277.
  • Dennis, John. The select works of Mr. John Dennis, in two volumes: consisting of plays, poems, &c. I. Iphigenia, a Tragedy. II. Liberty Asserted, a Tragedy. III. Appius and Virginia IV. Plot and No Plot, or Jacobite Credulity, a Comedy. V. Grounds of Criticism in Poetry. VI. To Mr. Dryden, upon his Translation of the third Book of Virgil's Georgicks: Pindarick Ode. Vii. To a Painter drawing a Lady's Picture. Viii. The Court of Death, on the Memory of Q. Mary. IX. The Passion of Byblis. X. The Monument sacred to the Best of Kings, K. William III. XI. Britannia Triumphans, or a Poem on the Battel of Blenheim. XII. The Battel of Ramillies, a Poem. XIII. On the Accession of King George. XIV. Priestcraft dangerous to Religion and Government. XV. Essay on Publick Spirit. XVI. Essay on the Operas, &c. To which is added, Coriolanus, the invader of his country: or, The Fatal Resentment, a tragedy. London: printed for J. D. [John Darby] and sold by D. Browne, W. Mears, S.Illidge, F. Clay, T. Bickerton, T. Corbet, W. Chetwood, and T. Payne, 1721. ESTC No. T74496. Grub Street ID 297504.
  • Harcourt, 1st Viscount Harcourt Simon. Upon Lady Katherine H-de's first appearing at the play-house in Drury-Lane. By M-w P-r, Esq;. [London: Sold by W. Graves, in Pater-noster-Row; and W. Chetwood, 1718]. ESTC No. T50617. Grub Street ID 278168.
  • Howard, Robert. The committee: or, the faithful Irishman. A comedy. As it is acted at both theatres. Corrected from the errors of former impressions. Written by the Honourable Sir Robert Howard. London: printed for J. Tonson; and sold by W. Chetwood, 1722. ESTC No. N26986. Grub Street ID 16330.
  • Rey, Claudius. Observations on Mr. Asgill's Brief answer to a brief state of the question between the printed and painted callicoes, &c. Wherein His Falsities and Sophistry are laid open. By Claudius Rey, a Weaver. London: printed by W. Wilkins, and sold by J. Noon at the White-Hart in Cheapside; J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane; and W. Chetwood at Cato's Head in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, [1719]. ESTC No. T108132. Grub Street ID 161087.
  • Rey, Claudius. The weavers true case; or, the wearing of printed callicoes and linnen destructive to the woollen and silk manufacturies. Wherein all the material objections against the weavers are fairly stated, consider'd and answer'd. Address'd to the members of the honourable House of Commons. By Claudius Rey, a weaver. London: printed by W. Wilkins, and sold by J. Noon; J. Roberts; and W. Chetwood, 1719. ESTC No. T52310. Grub Street ID 279435.
  • Sewell, George. The tragedy of Sir Walter Raleigh. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. By Mr. Sewell. London: printed for J. P. and J. W. and sold by J. Lacy at the Ship between the Two Temple-Gates in Fleet-Street, W. Chetwood in Russel-Street Covent-Garden, and S. Chapman at the Angel and Crown in Pall-Mall, 1722. ESTC No. T68018. Grub Street ID 292351.
  • Shakespeare, William. The tragedy of Julius Cæsar; with the death of Brutus and Cassius: written originally by Shakespear, and since alter'd by Sir William Davenant and John Dryden ... To which is prefix'd, the life of Julius Cæsar, abstracted from Plutarch and Suetonius. London: printed for J. Tonson, and sold by W. Mears, W. Chetwood, R. Franklin, and G. Strahan, 1719. ESTC No. N27492. Grub Street ID 16743.
  • Shakespeare, William. Measure for measure. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. Written by Mr. W. Shakespear. London: printed for J. Tonson in the Strand; and sold by W. Chetwood at Cato's Head in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1722. ESTC No. T62203. Grub Street ID 287713.
  • Wilmot, John. Remains of the Right Honourable John, Earl of Rochester. Being satyrs, songs, and poems; never before published. From a manuscript found in a gentleman's library that was contemporary with him. London: printed for Tho. Dryar; and sold by T. Harbin in the New-Exchange in the Strand; W. Chetwood at Cato's Head in Russel-Court, near the Play-House; and by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1718]. ESTC No. T195177. Grub Street ID 228924.

Printed for William Rufus Chetwood

  • The Casuist: or a Dialogue between Pasquin and Marfolio, concerning men and things: by a society of gentlemen. London [England]: printed for W. Chetwood at Cato's-Head under Tom's Coffee-house, Covent-Garden; and J. Peele at Mr. Locke's Head near Temple-Bar; where subscriptions, letters, and advertisements are taken in: as also up one pair of stairs, no. 2 in Holborn-Court, Grays-Inn, 1719-[1720]. ESTC No. P2921. Grub Street ID 56379.
  • The Whigg. London [England]: printed and sold by John Applebee over against Bridewell-Bridge, Black-Fryers, for W. Chetwood, at Cato's Head in Russel-Court, near the Theatre Royal, [1718]. ESTC No. P2916. Grub Street ID 56374.
  • The Mirrour. London [England]: printed for W. Chetwood at Cato's-Head in Russel-Court, near the Theatre-Royal; and sold by Tho. Warner at the Black-Boy in Pater-noster-Row. Where advertisements are taken in, [1719]. ESTC No. P219. Grub Street ID 55897.
  • A poem on the happy return of His most Sacred Majesty King George. Humbly inscrib'd to His Royal Highness the Prince. London: printed for W. Chetwood; and W. Boreham, 1719. ESTC No. N11717. Grub Street ID 1722.
  • The Criticks. Being papers upon the times. London [England]: printed for W. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head in Russel-Court, near the Theatre-Royal, MD CC XIX. [1719]. ESTC No. P2376. Grub Street ID 56061.
  • A letter to Sir J---- C----- Baronet, a Member of the Honourable House of Commons. Wherein particular notice is taken of the report, which was made, ... on the 13th of March 1709-10, by a committee of the then House of Commons, ... Containing likewise a clear and irrefragable vindication of Sir Humphrey Mackworth, ... By a member of the Company of the mine-adventurers of England. London: printed for W. Chetwood, 1720. ESTC No. T198110. Grub Street ID 230925.
  • A letter to the deists and free-thinkers. London: printed for W. Chetwood, 1720. ESTC No. N33916. Grub Street ID 22357.
  • The Theatre. To be continued every Tuesday and Saturday. By Sir John Edgar. London [England]: printed for W[illiam]. Chetwood, near Tom's Coffee-house in Covent-Garden; and J[ames]. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-lane. Where advertisements are taken in, [1720]. ESTC No. P1733. Grub Street ID 55515.
  • New opera's, with comical stories, and poems, on several occasions, never before printed. Being the remaining pieces, written by Mr. D'Urfey. London: printed for William Chetwood, 1721. ESTC No. T134712. Grub Street ID 183326.
  • Arabian nights entertainments. Consisting of one thousand and one stories: told by the Sultaness of the Indies, to divert the Sultan from the Execution of a Bloody Vow he had made, to marry a Lady every Day, and have her cut off next Morning, to avenge himself for the Disloyalty of his first Sultaness, &c. Containing A better Account of the Customs, Manners, and Religion of the Eastern Nations, viz. Tartars, Persians, and Indians, than is to be met with in any Author hitherto publish'd. Translated into French from the Arabian Mss, by M. Galland, of the Royal Academy; and now done into English from the last Paris edition. Vol. IX. London: printed for W. Taylor at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row, W. Chetwood at Cato's Head in Russel-Street, and S. Chapman at the Angel in the Pall Mall, 1721-22. ESTC No. T68146. Grub Street ID 292473.
  • Arabian nights entertainments. Consisting of one thousand and one stories: told by the Sultaness of the Indies, ... Translated into French from the Arabian MSS. by M. Galland, ... and now done into English from the last Paris edition. ... London: printed for W. Taylor; W. Chetwood, and J. Chapman, 1721-22. ESTC No. T68148. Grub Street ID 292475.
  • Arabian nights entertainments. Consisting, of one thousand and one stories: told by the Sultaness of the Indies, ... Translated into French from the Arabian MSS, by M. Galland, ... and now done into English from the last Paris edition. Vol. IX. London: printed for W. Taylor; W. Chetwood; and T. Jauncy, 1721. ESTC No. N42779. Grub Street ID 28836.
  • The travels and adventures of three princes of Sarendip. Intermixed with Eight Delightful and Entertaining Novels. Translated from the Persian into French, and from thence done into English. To which is added, Amazonta, or, The Politick Wife; a Novel. Adorn'd with cuts. London: printed for Will. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, M.DCC.XXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T61332. Grub Street ID 287038.
  • Poetical descriptions, natural and allegorical. London: printed for W. Chetwood, 1722. ESTC No. T196389. Grub Street ID 229779.
  • Idalia: or, the unfortunate mistress. A novel. Written by Mrs. Eliza Haywood. London: printed for D. Browne junr. at the Black Swan, without Temple Bar; W. Chetwood, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and S. Chapman, at the Angel in Pall-Mall, M.DCC.XXIII. [1723]. ESTC No. T72178. Grub Street ID 295733.
  • Aulnoy. A collection of novels and tales, written by that celebrated wit of France, the Countess d'Anois. In two volumes. ... Translated from the best edition of the original French, by several hands. London: printed for W. Taylor; and W. Chetwood, 1721. ESTC No. N5684. Grub Street ID 39991.
  • Aulnoy. A collection of novels and tales, written by that celebrated wit of France, the Countess D'Anois. In three volumes. Vol. III. (which concludes the whole) containing, I. The knights-errant. ... XI. The history of the Princess Melicerta. Translated from the best edition of the original French, by several hands. London: printed for W. Mears; J. Brotherton and W. Meadows; and W. Chetwood, 1722. ESTC No. N44572. Grub Street ID 29974.
  • Avery, John. The king of pirates: being an account of the famous enterprises of Captain Avery, the mock king of Madagascar. With His Rambles and Piracies; wherein all the Sham Accounts formerly publish'd of him, are detected. In two letters from himself; one during his stay at Madagascar, and one since his escape from thence. London: printed for A. Bettesworth in Pater-Noster Row, C. King in Westminster-Hall, J. Brotherton and W. Meadows in Cornhill, W. Chetwood in Covent-Garden, and sold by W. Boreham in Pater-Noster Row, [1720] [1719]. ESTC No. T69707. Grub Street ID 293656.
  • Blackmore, Sir Richard. Eliza: an epick poem; in ten books. By Sir Richard Blackmore, ... London: printed for W. Chetwood; T. Jauncy, and S. Chapman, 1721. ESTC No. T165848. Grub Street ID 204090.
  • Brereton, Thomas. The criticks. Being papers upon the times. ... London: printed for W. Chetwood, 1719. ESTC No. N29423. Grub Street ID 18598.
  • Brereton, Thomas. Charnock junior: or, the coronation. Being a parody upon Mac-Flecknoe. In three cantos. Now first publish'd correct and intire. By Thomas Brereton. London: printed for William Chetwood, at Cato's Head in Russel-Court near the Theatre-Royal, [1719]. ESTC No. N1620. Grub Street ID 5881.
  • British Officer in the Service of the Czar.. An impartial history of the life and actions of Peter Alexowitz, the present Czar of Muscovy: ... his attempts and successes in the northern and eastern parts of the world. In which is intermixed the history of Muscovy. Written by a British officer in the service of the Czar. London: printed for W. Chetwood; J. Stagg; J. Brotherton; and T. Edlin, 1723 [1722]. ESTC No. N21433. Grub Street ID 10813.
  • British Officer in the Service of the Czar.. An impartial history of the life and actions of Peter Alexowitz, the present Czar of Muscovy: From his Birth down to this present Time. Giving an Account of his Travels and Transactions in the several Courts of Europe; with his attempts and successes in the northern and eastern parts of the world: in which is intermix'd the history of Muscovy. Written by a British officer in the service of the Czar. London: printed for W. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; J. Stagg, in Westminster-Hall; J. Brotherton, at the Bible, near the Royal-Exchange, and T. Edlin, at the Prince's-Arms over-against Exeter-Exchange in the Strand, MDCCXXIII. [1723] [1722]. ESTC No. T72259. Grub Street ID 295796.
  • Bulkeley, John. The last-day. A poem, in XII. books. By the late J. Bulkeley, ... London: printed for J. Peele, at Lock’s-Head, between the Temple-Gates; R. King, at the Prince’s-Arms; C. Rivington, at the Bible and Crown, in St. Paul’s Church-Yard; and W. Chetwood, at Cato’s-Head, Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, M.DCC.XX. [1720]. ESTC No. T155008. Grub Street ID 198912.
  • Carey, Henry. Hanging and marriage; or, the dead-man's wedding. A farce. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. With a song will please every body. By Mr. Carey. London: printed for W. Chetwood; J. Shuckburg; and W. Meadows, [1722]. ESTC No. T57674. Grub Street ID 283894.
  • Cibber, Colley. The tragical history of King Richard the Third. ... As it is now acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Reviv'd, with alterations, by Mr. Cibber. London: printed for W. Mears, and J. Browne, and W. Chetwood, 1718. ESTC No. T51575. Grub Street ID 278799.
  • Cibber, Colley. Ximena; or, the heroick daughter. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal by His Majesty's servants. Written by Mr. Cibber. London: printed for B. Lintot, between the Temple-Gates; A. Bettesworth, at the Red-Lyon in Pater-Noster-Row; and W. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1719. ESTC No. T52846. Grub Street ID 279860.
  • Cibber, Colley. The school-boy: or, the comical rival. A farce of two acts. As it is acted by His Majesty's company of comedians, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Written by Mr. Cibber. London: printed by W. W. for W. Chetwood; and T. Jauncy, 1720. ESTC No. N21570. Grub Street ID 10929.
  • Cibber, Colley. Plays written by Mr. Cibber. In two volumes. Vol. I. Containing, Love's Last Shift; or, The Fool in Fashion. The Tragical History of King Richard the Third. Love makes a Man; or, The Fop's Fortune. She would, and she would not; or, The Kind Impostor. The Careless Husband. London: printed for Jacob Tonson, over against Catherine-Street, in the Strand; Bernard Lintot, at the Cross-Keys between the Temple-Gates, Fleetstreet; William Mears, at the Lamb, without Temple-Bar; and William Chetwood, at Cato's-Head, Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, M.DCC.XXI. [1721]. ESTC No. T26008. Grub Street ID 258194.
  • Cibber, Colley. The refusal; or, The Ladies Philosophy: a comedy. Acted at the Theatre-Royal, By His Majesty's Servants. Written by Mr. Cibber. London: printed for W. Mears, at the Lamb, without Temple-Bar; W. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head, Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; T. Woodward, at the Half-Moon, against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleetstreet; and sold by J. Roberts, in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T168565. Grub Street ID 206460.
  • Cibber, Theophilus. An historical tragedy of the civil wars in the reign of King Henry VI. (being a sequel to the Tragedy of Humfrey Duke of Gloucester: and a introduction to the Tragical history of King Richard III.) Alter'd from Shakespear, in the year 1720. By Theo. Cibber. London: printed for J. Walthoe, Jun. in Cornhill; W. Chetwood, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and J. Stagg, in Westminster-Hall: and sold by J. Roberts, in Warwick-Lane, [1723?]. ESTC No. T36329. Grub Street ID 266255.
  • Cibber, Theophilus. King Henry VI. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. Altered from Shakespear, in the year 1720, by Theophilus Cibber. London: printed for W. Chetwood at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, [1724]. ESTC No. T29456. Grub Street ID 260834.
  • Le Clerc, Jean. A treatise of the causes of incredulity. Wherein are examined the general motives and occasions which dispose unbelivers to reject the Christian religion. With two letters, containing a direct proof of the truth of Christianity. Translated from the French of Monsieur Le Clerc. London: printed for W. Chetwood, 1720. ESTC No. N49578. Grub Street ID 33789.
  • Concanen, Matthew. A match at foot-ball; or the Irish champions. A mock-heroick poem, in three canto's. London: printed for R. Francklin, at the Sun in Fleet-Street; W. Chetwood, and J. Woodman, in Covent-Garden; and J. Graves, in St. James's-Street, MDCCXXI. [1721]. ESTC No. T39033. Grub Street ID 268396.
  • Cowley, Abraham. The works of Mr. Abraham Cowley. In three volumes. Vol.I and II. Containing his poems and other pieces publish'd by the late Lord Bishop of Rochester; with some account of his life and writings. Vol.III. Containing his poems, plays, &c. publish'd in his younger years: with a translation of his six books of plants. London: printed for B. Tooke, J. Tonson, G. Strahan, W. Taylor, W. Mears, W. Chetwood, and T. Jauncy, 1721. ESTC No. T133362. Grub Street ID 182180.
  • Cowley, Abraham. The third and last volume of the works of Mr. Abraham Cowley: being the second and third parts thereof. Part II. What was written and publish'd by himself; now reprinted together. The tenth edition. Part III. His six books of plants, The First and Second of Herbs, The Third and Fourth of Flowers. The Fifth and Sixth of Trees. Made English by several celebrate hands. With necessary tables, and divers poems of eminent Persons, in praise of the author: and other considerable additions and improvements. London: printed by Benj. Motte: for B. Tooke, G. Strahan, W. Mears, W. Chetwood, and T. Jauncy, 1721. ESTC No. T133363. Grub Street ID 182181.
  • Dogget, Thomas. Hob: or, the country wake. A farce. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. By Mr. Cibber. London: printed for A. Bettesworth, E. Curll, and W. Chetwood, 1720. ESTC No. T191533. Grub Street ID 226375.
  • Evans, Ambrose. The adventures, and surprizing deliverances, of James Dubourdieu, and his wife: who were taken by pyrates, ... Also the adventures of Alexander Vendchurch, ... Written by himself. London: printed by J. Bettenham for A. Bettesworth and T. Warner; C. Rivington; J. Brotherton and W. Meadows; A. Dodd, and W. Chetwood, 1719. ESTC No. T126916. Grub Street ID 176778.
  • Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-. Fables and dialogues of the dead. Written in French by the late Archbishop of Cambray, Author of Telemachus: and done into English from the Paris edition of 1718, then corrected and revised with the author's own original manuscript. London: printed for W. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and S. Chapman, at the Angel and Crown in the Pallmal, M.DCC.XXII. [1722]. ESTC No. N8049. Grub Street ID 52957.
  • Haywood, Eliza. Love in excess; or the fatal enquiry, a novel. London: printed for W. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head in Russel-Court, near the Theatre-Royal; and R. Francklin, at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street; and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XIX. [1719]. ESTC No. T75397. Grub Street ID 298123.
  • Haywood, Eliza. Love in excess; or the fatal enquiry, a novel. Part the second. By Mrs. Haywood. London: printed for W. Chetwood, and sold by J. Roberts, [1719?]. ESTC No. T75398. Grub Street ID 298124.
  • Haywood, Eliza. Love in excess, or, the fatal enquiry. A novel. The third and last part. By Mrs. Haywood. London: printed for W. Chetwood, and sold by J. Roberts' [sic], 1720. ESTC No. T75399. Grub Street ID 298125.
  • Haywood, Eliza. Love in excess; or, the fatal enquiry, a novel. Part the first. By Mrs. Haywood. London: printed for W. Chetwood at Cato’s-Head in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, M.DCC.XXI [1721]. ESTC No. N3118. Grub Street ID 20086.
  • Haywood, Eliza. Letters from a lady of quality to a chevalier. Translated from the French. By Mrs. Haywood. London: printed for William Chetwood, at Cato's-Head, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden. M.DCC.XXI. Where may be had, Vertott's Revolution of Portugal, in English, [1721]. ESTC No. N18894. Grub Street ID 8324.
  • Haywood, Eliza. The British recluse: or, the secret history of Cleomira, suppos'd dead. A novel. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood, Author of Love in Excess; or, the Fatal Enquiry. London: printed for D. Brown, Jun. at the Black-Swan, without Temple-Bar; W. Chetwood, and J. Woodman, in Russel-Street Covent-Garden; and S. Chapman, in Palmall, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. N15726. Grub Street ID 5426.
  • Haywood, Eliza. Love in excess; or the fatal enquiry, a novel. In three parts. By Mrs. Haywood. London: printed for D. Browne jun. at the Black Swan without Temple Bar, W. Chetwood at Cato’s Head in Russel-street Covent Garden, and S. Chapman at the Angel in Pall-Mall, MDCCXXII [1722]. ESTC No. T170331. Grub Street ID 208042.
  • Haywood, Eliza. The British recluse: or, the secret history of Cleomira, suppos'd dead. A novel. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood, Author of Love in Excess; or, the Fatal Enquiry. London: printed for D. Brown, jun. at the Black-Swan, without Temple-Bar; W. Chetwood, and J. Woodman, in Russel-Street Covent-Garden; and S. Chapman, in Palmall, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T65368. Grub Street ID 290279.
  • Haywood, Eliza. Idalia: or, the unfortunate mistress. A novel. Part II. and III. Written by Mrs. Eliza Haywood. London: printed for D. Browne junr. at the Black Swan, without Temple Bar; W. Chetwood, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and S. Chapman, at the Angel in Pall-Mall, M.DCC.XXIII. [1723]. ESTC No. N16680. Grub Street ID 6250.
  • Haywood, Eliza. Idalia: or, the unfortunate mistress. A novel. Part II. and III. Written by Mrs. Eliza Haywood. London: Printed for D. Browne Junr. at the Black Swan, without Temple Bar; W. Chetwood, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and S. Chapman, at the Angel in Pall-mall, M.DCC.XXIII. [1723]. ESTC No. N16681. Grub Street ID 6251.
  • Haywood, Eliza. The injur'd husband; or, the mistaken resentment. A novel. Written by Mrs. Eliza Haywood. London: printed for D. Brown, jun. at the Black Swan, without Temple-Bar; W. Chetwood, and J. Woodman, in Russel-Street Covent-Garden; and S. Chapman, in Pall-Mall, MDCCXXIII. [1723]. ESTC No. T75400. Grub Street ID 298127.
  • Haywood, Eliza. The injur'd husband; or, the mistaken resentment. A novel. Written by Mrs. Eliza Haywood. London: printed for D. Brown, jun. at the Black Swan, without Temple-Bar; W. Chetwood, and J. Woodman, in Russel-Street Covent-Garden; and S. Chapman, in Pall-Mall, MDCCXXIII. [1723]. ESTC No. T75401. Grub Street ID 298128.
  • Haywood, Eliza. Idalia: or, the unfortunate mistress. A novel. Written by Mrs. Eliza Haywood. London: printed for D. Browne junr. at the Black Swan, without Temple Bar; W. Chetwood, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and S. Chapman, at the Angel in Pall-mall, M.DCC.XXIII. [1723]. ESTC No. T75405. Grub Street ID 298131.
  • Hill, Aaron. King Henry the Fifth: or, the conquest of France, by the English. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. By Aaron Hill, Esq;. London: printed for W. Chetwood, and J. Watts, 1723. ESTC No. T107970. Grub Street ID 160958.
  • Holland, Samuel, gent. The Spaniard: or, Don Zara del Fogo: translated from the original Spanish by Basilius Musophilus. With notes ... London: printed for W. Chetwood; and R. Francklin; and sold by J. Roberts, 1719. ESTC No. T131686. Grub Street ID 180657.
  • Hughes, John. An explaination [sic] of the several Arabick terms us'd in The siege of Damascus written by Mr. Hughes. With a short account of the historical siege, and the life of Mahomet, ... London: printed for J. Brotherton and W. Meadows, J. Roberts, [T.] Tauncy, and A. Dodd, W. Lewis and W. Chetwood, and J. Graves, [1720]. ESTC No. T33859. Grub Street ID 264346.
  • Johnson, Charles. Love in a forest. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. By Mr. Johnson. London: printed for W. Chetwood; and Tho. Edlin, 1723. ESTC No. T57288. Grub Street ID 283573.
  • Longus.. The pastoral amours of Daphnis and Chloe. A novel. Written originally in Greek by Longus, and translated into English. The third edition. Adorn'd with cutts. London: printed for Samuel Chapman, and William Chetwood, 1721. ESTC No. N38266. Grub Street ID 26027.
  • Manley, Delariviere. Lucius, the first Christian King of Britain. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's servants. By Mrs. Manley. London: printed for John Barber on Lambeth-Hill, W. Chetwood, under Tom's Coffee-House in Covent-Garden, and John Morphew near Stationers Hall, 1720. ESTC No. T101859. Grub Street ID 155703.
  • Marguerite. Novels, tales, and stories. Written originally in French, by Margaret de Valois, Queen of Navar. And Printed by Order of the French King. Translated into English by several hands. London: printed for W. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, and T. Edlin, over-against Exeter Exchange, in the Strand, [1725?]. ESTC No. T122570. Grub Street ID 173235.
  • Massinger, Philip. The bond-Man: or, love and liberty. A tragi-comedy. As it is now acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's servants. London: printed for A. Bettesworth at the Red Lyon in Pater-Noster Row, J. Pemberton at the Buck and Sun in Fleet-Street, J. Brotherton and W. Meadows at the Black Bull in Cornhil, and W. Chetwood at Cato's Head under Tom's Coffee-House in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, [1719]. ESTC No. T100539. Grub Street ID 154482.
  • Massinger, Philip. The roman actor. A tragedy. Written originally by Philip Massenger; and since reviv'd with alterations. London: printed for W. Mears, at the Lamb, and D. Brown at the Swan without Temple-Bar, W. Chetwood at Cato's Head, and J. Woodman at the Cambden's Head in Covent-Garden, S. Chapman at the Angel in Pall-Mall, 1722. ESTC No. T9577. Grub Street ID 315264.
  • Morgan, Hill. Cynegetica; or, the force and pleasure of hunting: an heroi-comical poem, in two canto's. ... By a gentleman of the Inner Temple. London: printed for William Chetwood, 1718. ESTC No. N36327. Grub Street ID 24304.
  • Le Noble, Eustache. The two harlequins. A farce of three acts. Written by Mr. Noble. And acted by the King's Italian comedians at Paris. And now perform'd by the French comedians at the Theatre in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. London: printed for W. Mears, and W. Chetwood; and sold by J. Roberts, 1718. ESTC No. T146718. Grub Street ID 193330.
  • Le Noble, Eustache. Ildegerte, Queen of Norway; or heroick love: a novel. Written originally in French, by the author of The happy slave and translated into English by a gentleman of Oxford. In two parts. London: printed for W. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head in Russell-Street, Covent-Garden, M.DCC.XXI. [1721]. ESTC No. T55136. Grub Street ID 281744.
  • Purney, Thomas. The Chevalier de St George: an heroi-comick poem. In six canto's. London: printed for W. Chetwood, 1718. ESTC No. T165188. Grub Street ID 203449.
  • Raguenet, François. Roma illustrata: or, a description of the most beautiful pieces of painting, sculpture, and architecture, antique and modern, at and near Rome. London: printed for W. Chetwood, and S. Chapman, 1722. ESTC No. T169370. Grub Street ID 207219.
  • Regnard, Jean François. The fair of St. Germain. As it is acted at the theatre in Little Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, by the French company of comedians, Lately Arriv'd From the Theatre-Royal at Paris. All in the Characters of the Italian Theatre. Done into English by Mr. Ozell. London: printed for W. Chetwood at Cato's-Head in Russel-Court, and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, [1718]. ESTC No. T112374. Grub Street ID 164367.
  • S., H.. Some cursory remarks on the play call'd The non-juror, written by Mr. Cibber. In a letter to a friend. London: printed for William Chetwood, at the Cato's Head in Russell-Court near the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. 1718. Where may be had Ready Money for any Library or Parcel of Books, in any Language or Faculty, [1718]. ESTC No. T49280. Grub Street ID 277125.
  • Savage, Richard. Memoirs of the life of Mr. Theophilus Keenne, the late eminent tragedian. To which is added, elegies, pastorals, odes, and poems: by several hands. London: printed for W. Chetwood, at Cato's Head in Russel-Court, near the Theatre-Royal. 1718. Speedily will be Publish'd The Chevalier de St. George, a Heroi-Comical Poem, in Six Canto's, [1718]. ESTC No. T122606. Grub Street ID 173270.
  • Savage, Richard. Love in a veil. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, By His Majesties Servants. Written by Richard Savage, Gent. Son of the Late Earl Rivers. London: printed for E. Curll, at the Dial and Bible; and R. Francklin, at the Sun, both against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street; and W. Chetwood, at Cato's Head in Russel-Court near the Theatre Royal, MDCCXIX. [1719]. ESTC No. T125843. Grub Street ID 175903.
  • Shakespeare, William. The tragedy of Julius Cæsar: with the death of Brutus and Cassius; written originally by Shakespear, and since alter'd by Sir William Davenant and John Dryden, ... To which is prefix'd, the life of Julius Cæsar, abstracted from Plutarch and Suetonius. London: printed for W. Chetwood, and R. Francklin, 1719. ESTC No. N23321. Grub Street ID 12680.
  • Shakespeare, William. The tragedy of Julius Cæsar: with the death of Brutus and Cassius; written originally by Shakespear, and since alter'd by Sir William Davenant and John Dryden late Poets Laureat. As it is now acted by His Majesty's Company of Comedians at the Theatre Royal. To which is prefix'd, The life of Julius Cæsar, abstracted from Plutarch and Suetonius. London: printed for G. Strahan at the Golden Ball in Cornhill; W. Mears, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar; W. Chetwood, at Cato's Head in Covent-Garden; and R. Francklin at the Sun overagainst St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, M.DCC.XIX. [1719]. ESTC No. T51540. Grub Street ID 278769.
  • Shakespeare, William. The sequel of Henry the Fourth: with the humours of Sir John Falstaffe, and Justice Shallow. As it is acted by His Majesty's Company of comedians, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Alter'd from Shakespear, by the late Mr. Betterton. London: printed for W. Chetwood; and T. Jauncy, [1720?]. ESTC No. T62223. Grub Street ID 287735.
  • Shirley, James. The traytor: a tragedy ; as it is acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields. Reviv'd, with several alterations. London: printed for W. Chetwood; and J. Peele, 1718. ESTC No. T57027. Grub Street ID 283393.
  • Smedley, Jonathan. A familiar epistle to the Right Reverend the Ld. Bp. of Bangor. London: printed for W. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head (the Post-House) in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1720. ESTC No. T106603. Grub Street ID 159749.
  • Southerne, Thomas. The Spartan dame. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. By Mr. Southerne. London: printed for W. Chetwood; and T. Jauncy, 1719. ESTC No. T56484. Grub Street ID 282929.
  • Southerne, Thomas. The Spartan dame. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. By Mr. Southerne. London: printed for W. Chetwood at Cato's-Head, in Russel-street, Covent-Garden; and T. Jauncy at the Angel without Temple-Bar, 1719. ESTC No. T56485. Grub Street ID 282930.
  • Southerne, Thomas. The spartan dame. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. By Mr. Southerne. London: printed for W. Chetwood at Cato's-Head, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and T. Jauncy at the Angel without Temple-Bar. 1719. (Price Eighteen-Pence.) Where may be had a correct Edition (just Publish'd) of Mr. Southern's Fatal Marriage, or the Innocent Adultery, [1719]. ESTC No. N21499. Grub Street ID 10869.
  • Southerne, Thomas. The works of Mr. Thomas Southerne. Volume the First. Containing, The Loyal Brother: Or, The Persian Prince. The Disappointment: Or, The Mother in Fashion. Sir Anthony Love Or, The Rambling Lady. The Wives Excuse: Or, Cuckolds make Themselves. London: printed for J. Tonson, B. Tooke, M. Wellington, and W. Chetwood, MDCCXXI. [1721]. ESTC No. T55551. Grub Street ID 282114.
  • Southerne, Thomas. The spartan dame. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal, in Drury-Lane, By His Majesty's Servants. By Mr. Southerne. London: printed for W. Chetwood at Cato's-Head, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1721. ESTC No. T119616. Grub Street ID 171000.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The crisis of property: an argument proving that the annuitants for ninety-nine years, as such, are not in the condition of other subjects of Great Britain, but by compact with the legislature are exempt from any new direction relating to the said estates. By Sir Richard Steele, Knt. Member of Parliament, and Governor of the Royal Company of Comedians, &c. London: printed for W. Chetwood, under Tom's Coffee-House in Covent-Garden; J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane; J. Brotherton, at the Black Bull in Cornhill; and Charles Lillie, at the Corner of Beaufort-Buildings in the Strand, [1720]. ESTC No. T34400. Grub Street ID 264706.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. A nation a family: Being the sequel of the crisis of property: or, a plan For the Improvement of the South-Sea Proposal. By Sir Richard Steele, Knt. Member of Parliament. London: printed for W. Chetwood, under Tom's Coffee-House in Covent-Garden; J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane; J. Brotherton, at the Black Bull in Corn-Hill; and Charles Lillie, at the Corner of Beaufort-Buildings in the Strand, [1720]. ESTC No. T39607. Grub Street ID 268833.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The crisis of property: an argument proving that the annuitants for ninety-nine years, as such, are not in the condition of other subjects of Great Britain, but by compact with the legislature are exempt from any new direction relating to the said estates. By Sir Richard Steele, Knt. ... London: printed for W. Chetwood; J. Roberts; J. Brotherton; and Charles Lillie, 1720. ESTC No. N27253. Grub Street ID 16505.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The crisis of property: an argument proving that the annuitants for ninety-nine years, as such, are not in the condition of other subjects of Great Britain, but by compact with the legislature are exempt from any new direction relating to the said estates. By Sir Richard Steele, Knt. ... London: printed for W. Chetwood; J. Roberts; J. Brotherton; and Charles Lillie, 1720. ESTC No. T144485. Grub Street ID 191356.
  • Steele, Sir Richard. The state of the case between the Lord-Chamberlain of His Majesty's houshold, and the governor of the Royal Company of Comedians. With the opinions of Pemberton, Northey, and Parker, concerning the theatre. By Sir Richard Steele. London: printed for W. Chetwood; J. Roberts; J. Graves; and Charles Lillie, 1720. ESTC No. T147110. Grub Street ID 193691.
  • Sturmy, J. Love and duty: or, the distress'd bride. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. By Mr. J. Sturmy. London: printed for W. Chetwood in Russel-Street. Covent-Garden, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T38614. Grub Street ID 268064.
  • Sturmy, J. Love and duty: or, the distress'd bride. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. By Mr. J. Sturmy. London: printed for W. Chetwood in Russel-Street. Covent-Garden, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. N3075. Grub Street ID 19676.
  • Sturmy, J. Love and duty: or, the distress'd bride. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, by His Majesty's servants. By Mr. J. Sturmy. London: printed for W. Chetwood in Russel-Street. Covent-Garden, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T67593. Grub Street ID 292066.
  • Sturmy, J. The compromise: or, faults on both sides. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. By the author of the Distress'd bride. London: printed for W. Chetwood; and Tho. Edlin, 1723. ESTC No. T67592. Grub Street ID 292065.
  • Thurmond, John. Harlequin Doctor Faustus: with the masque of the deities. Compos'd by John Thurmond, dancing-master. With additions and alterations. London: printed for W. Chetwood, at the Cato's Head, in the Passage to the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, [1724]. ESTC No. T72422. Grub Street ID 295949.
  • Thurmond, John. Harlequin Doctor Faustus: with The masque of the deities. Compos'd by John Thurmond, dancing-master. With additions and alterations. London: printed for W. Chetwood, 1724. ESTC No. T67596. Grub Street ID 292069.
  • Tolson, Francis. The Earl of Warwick; or, British exile. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's servants. By Mr. Tolson. London: printed for B. Lintott, W. Mears, J. Peele, A. Bettesworth, and W. Chetwood, [1719]. ESTC No. T89316. Grub Street ID 309226.
  • Vertot. The revolutions of Portugal. Written in French by the Abbot de Vertot, Of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions. Done into English from the last French edition. London: printed for William Chetwood, at Cato's-Head, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, M.DCC.XXI. [1721]. ESTC No. T81981. Grub Street ID 302603.
  • Vertot. A critical history of the establishment of the Bretons among the Gauls, and of Their Dependence upon the Kings of France, and Dukes of Normandy. By Monsieur the Abbot of Vertot, Of the Academy Royal of Inscriptions, and Belles Lettres. Done from the original French, printed at Paris. Vol. I. & II. London: printed for W. Taylor, J. Pemberton, E. Symon, W. Chetwood, J. Lacy, and J. Clarke, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T82071. Grub Street ID 302681.
  • Vertot. The revolutions of Portugal. Written in French by the Abbot de Vertot, ... Done into English from the last French edition. London: printed for W. Taylor, C. Rivington, and W. Chetwood, 1724. ESTC No. T171074. Grub Street ID 208726.
  • Victor, Benjamin. An epistle to Sir Richard Steele, on his play, call'd, The conscious lovers. By B. Victor. London: printed for W. Chetwood at Cato's-Head in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; S. Chapman at the Angel in Pall-Mall; J. Stagg, Westminster-Hall; J. Brotherton at the Bible in Cornhill; M. Smith in Russel-Court, Red-Lyon-Square; Tho. Edlin, over-against Exeter Exchange in the Strand, 1722. ESTC No. T32854. Grub Street ID 263531.
  • Victor, Benjamin. An epistle to Sir Richard Steele, on his play, call'd, The conscious lovers The second edition, corrected, with the addition of the epilogue spoken by Mrs. Oldfield, not printed with The conscious lovers. By B. Victor. London: printed for W. Chetwood at Cato's-Head in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; S. Chapman in Pall-Mall; J. Stagg, Westminster-Hall; J. Brotherton in Cornhill; Tho. Edlin, over-against Exeter Exchange in the Strand, [1722]. ESTC No. T32855. Grub Street ID 263532.
  • Weaver, John. Anatomical and mechanical lectures upon dancing. Wherein rules and institutions for that art are laid down and demonstrated. As they were read at the academy in Chancery Lane. By John Weaver, Dancing Master. Spartam quam nactus est, hanc ornat. London: printed for J. Brotherton, and W. Meadows, at the Black Ball in Cornhill; J. Graves, near White's Chocolate House in St. James's Street; and W. Chetwood, at Cato's Head in Russel Street, Covent Garden, M.DCC.XXI. [1721]. ESTC No. T116366. Grub Street ID 168030.
  • Welsted. An epistle to His Grace the Duke of Chandos. By Mr. Welsted. London: printed for W. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head (the Post-House) in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1720. ESTC No. N861. Grub Street ID 53512.
  • Young, Edward. The revenge a tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's servants. By E. Young, LL.D. London: printed for W. Chetwood at Cato's-Head in Russel-Street Covent-Garden, and S. Chapman at the Angel and Crown in Pall-Mall, [1721]. ESTC No. T44866. Grub Street ID 273216.

Printed by and for, or by/for and sold by William Rufus Chetwood

  • A poem on the memorable fall of Chloe's p--s pot, attempted in blank verse. London: printed and sold by A. Baldwin in Warwick-Lane, and W. Chetwood, at the Sign of the Sword and Cross, over against Exeter-Exchange in the Strand, [1713]. ESTC No. T1001. Grub Street ID 154080.
  • An exact, and correct list of the Lords spiritual and temporal, as also of the House of Commons of the first British Parliament of King George: summon'd to meet at Westminster on the 17th of March 1714/5, and from thence continued, ... until the 23d of November 1719. Wit all the alterations which have happen'd in either House to the 31st of March 1720. ... London: printed and sold by J. Roberts, J. Dodd, W. Chetwood, Tho. Griffiths, Jos. Fox, and A. Rocayrol, [1720]. ESTC No. T201670. Grub Street ID 232892.
  • An account of the burning the City of London: as it was publish'd by the special authority of King and Council in the year, 1666. To which is added, the opinion of Dr. Kennet, the present Bishop of Peterborough, ... and that of Dr. Eachard, relating thereunto. Also the whole service appointed for the day, ... From all which, it plainly appears, that the Papists had no hand in that dreadful conflagration. ... London: Printed, and sold by J. Stone on Ludgate-Hill, J. Brotherton and W. Meadows in Cornhill, W. Chetwood in Covent-Garden, and A. Dodd at the Peacock without Temple-Bar, 1721. ESTC No. T1058. Grub Street ID 159017.
  • Fair Em, the miller's daughter of Manchester: with the love of William the Conqueror. A pleasant comedy. As it was sundry times acted in the Honourable City of London, by the Right Honourable the Lord Strange's servants, 1631. Dublin: printed, and sold by the editor W. R. Chetwood, in the Four-Court-Marshalsea; Messrs. G. and A. Ewing, P. Wilson, H. Hawker, and S. Price, in Dame-Street; G. Faulkner, and A. Long, in Essex-Street; J. Hoey, in Skinner-Row, and J. Esdall, on Corkhill, Booksellers, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. T55577. Grub Street ID 282142.
  • A select collection of old plays vizt. I. St. Patrick for Ireland. II. Fairem, the Millers Daughter &c. III. The Love Sick King &c. IV. Blurt Master Constable V. Actaeon and Diana VI. Salmacida Spolia With an Account of the Authors by the Editor W.R. Chetwood. Dublin: printed and sold by the editor W. R. Chetwood, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. T52964. Grub Street ID 279962.
  • Alethson, Phil. A true system of religion, according to the best astronomical observations. By Phil. Alethson, A.C.S. ... London: printed: and sold by J. Brotherton and W. Meadows; J. Roberts; A. Dodd; W. Chetwood; S. Chapman; and J. Graves, 1721. ESTC No. T177240. Grub Street ID 214189.
  • Brewer, Anthony. The love-Sick king: An English Tragical History. With The Life and Death of Cartesmunda, the Fair Nun of Winchester. Written by Anthony Brewer, Esq;. Dublin: printed, and sold by the Editor W. R. Chetwood, in the Four-court-marshalsea; Messrs. G. and A. Ewing, P. Wilson, H. Hawker, and S. Price, in Dame-Street; G. Faulkner, and A. Long, in Essex-street; J. Hoey, in Skinner-Row; and J. Esdall, on Cork-hill, Booksellers, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. T57277. Grub Street ID 283561.
  • Cox, Robert. Actæon and Diana: with a pastoral story of the nymph Oenone: follow'd by the several conceited humours of Bumpkin, the Huntsman, Hobbinall, the Shepherd, Singing Simpkin, and John Swabber, the Seaman. In four interludes. Dublin: printed, and sold by the Editor W. R. Chetwood, in the Four-court-marshalsea; Messrs. G. and A. Ewing, P. Wilson, H. Hawker, and S. Price, in Dame-Street; G. Faulkner, and A. Long, in Essex-street; J. Hoey, in Skinner-row; and J. Esdall, on Cork-hill, Booksellers, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. T57280. Grub Street ID 283565.
  • Curll, Edmund. An historical account of the life and writings of the late eminently famous Mr. John Toland. Containing, I. A faithful Extract of his Works, and an Account of his Travels in Germany, Holland, &c. II. An Account of the Controversies wherein he was engaged, and a particular Enquiry into his Principles; His Philosophick Resignation to the Divine Will, and his Notions of Futurity at the Time of his Decease. III. An exact Catalogue of his Writings, published both with, and without his Name, and of the Manuscripts he left behind him. By one of his most intimate friends. In a letter to the Lord ****. London: printed: and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane; W. Mears, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar; J. Brotherton in Cornhill; J. Graves in St. James’s-Street; and W. Chetwood in Covent-Garden, M.DCC.XXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T130557. Grub Street ID 179651.
  • Defoe, Daniel. The history and remarkable life of the truly honourable Col. Jacque, commonly call'd Col. Jack, who was born a gentleman, put 'prentice to a pick-pocket, was six and twenty years a thief, and then kidnapp'd to Virginia. Came back a merchant, married four wives, and five [sic] of them prov'd whores; went into the wars, behav'd bravely, got preferment, was made colonel of a regiment, came over, and fled with the Chevalier, and is now abroad compleating a life of wonders, and resolves to dye a general. London: printed, and sold by J. Brotherton, at the Royal-Exchange; T. Payne, near Stationers-Hall; W. Mears, at the Lamb, and A. Dodd, at the Peacock without Temple-Bar; W. Chetwood, in Covent-Garden; J. Graves, in St. James's-Street; S. Chapman, in Pall-Mall, and J. Stagg, at Westminster-Hall, MDCCXXIII. [1723, i.e. 1722]. ESTC No. N33025. Grub Street ID 21547.
  • Defoe, Daniel. The fortunes and misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders, &c. who was born in Newgate, ... Written from her own memorandums. London: printed for, and sold by T. Edlin; W. Chetwood; and W. Mears; J. Brotherton; C. King, and J. Stags, 1722. ESTC No. N31966. Grub Street ID 20845.
  • Defoe, Daniel. The fortunes and misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders, &c. Who was born in Newgate, and during a Life of continu'd Variety for Threescore Years, besides her Childhood, was Twelve Year a Whore, five times a Wife (whereof once to her own Brother) Twelve Year a Thief, Eight Year a Transported Felon in Virginia, at last grew Rich, liv'd Honest, and died a Penitent, Written from her own memorandums. London: printed for, and sold by W. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and T. Edling, at the Prince's-Arms over-against Exerter-Change in the Strand, MDCCXXI. [1721] [1722]. ESTC No. T70314. Grub Street ID 294073.
  • Defoe, Daniel. The fortunes and misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders, &c. who was born in Newgate, And during a Life of continu'd Variety for Threescore Years, besides her Childhood, was Twelve Year a Whore, five times a Wife (whereof once to her own Brother) Twelve Year a Thief, Eight Year a Transported Felon in Virginia, at last grew Rich, liv'd Honest, and died a Penitent. Written from her own memorandums. London: printed for, and sold by W. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and T. Edlin, at the Prince's-Arms, over-against Exeter-Change in the Strand; W. Mears, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar; J. Brotherton, by the Royal-Exchange; C. King, and J Stags, in Westminster Hall, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T70315. Grub Street ID 294074.
  • Defoe, Daniel. The history and remarkable life of the truly honourable Col. Jacque, commonly call'd Col. Jack, who was born a gentleman, put 'prentice to a pick-pocket, was six and twenty years a thief, and then kidnapp'd to Virginia. Came back a Merchant; was Five times married to Four Whores; went into the Wars, behav'd bravely, got Preferment, was made Colonel of a Regiment, came over, and fled with the Chevalier, is still abroad compleating a Life of Wonders, and resolves to dye a General. London: printed and sold by J. Brotherton, at the Royal-Exchange; T. Payne, near Stationers-Hall; W. Mears, at the Lamb, and A. Dodd, at the Peacock without Temple-Bar; W. Chetwood, in Covent Garden; J. Graves, in St. James's-Street; S. Chapman, in Pall Mall, and J. Stagg, at Westminster-Hall, MDCCXXIII. [1723]. ESTC No. T69662. Grub Street ID 293612.
  • Toland, John. Tetradymus Containing I. Hodegus; ... II. Clidophorus; ... III. Hypatia; ... IV. Mangoneutes: ... By Mr. Toland. London: printed: and sold by J. Brotherton and W. Meadows, J. Roberts. W. Meres, W. Chetwood, S. Chapman, and J. Graves, 1720. ESTC No. T139630. Grub Street ID 187478.
  • W., J., M.D.. The secret history of Pythagoras: part I. Translated from the original copy lately found at Otranto in Italy. By J. W. M.D. London: printed: and sold by J. Brotherton and W. Meadows, at the Black Bull in Cornhill; J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane; A. Dodd, at the Peacock without Temple-Bar; W. Chetwood in Covent-Garden; S. Chapman in Pall-Mall; and J. Graves, at St. James's, MDCCXXI. [1721]. ESTC No. T110631. Grub Street ID 163141.


  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The life of the Lady Jane Gray. With some remarks on the play. In a letter to a friend. By William Rufus Chetwood. Dublin: printed for G. Risk, Bookseller, at the London in Dames-Street, over-against the Horse-Guard; where New Plays and Novels are to be Sold. And the Tragedy of Jane Grey, 1715. ESTC No. N3791. Grub Street ID 25795.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The stock-jobbers: or, the humours of Exchange-Alley. A comedy, of three acts. London: printed for J. Roberts, 1720. ESTC No. T1725. Grub Street ID 209936.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages, dangerous adventures and imminent escapes of Captain Richard Falconer: containing the laws, customs, and manners of the Indians in America; his Shipwrecks; his Marrying an Indian Wife; his narrow Escape from the Island of Dominico, &c. Intermix'd with the voyages and adventures of Thomas Randal, of Cork, pilot; with his Shipwreck in the Baltick, being the only Man that escap'd: His being taken by the Indians of Virginia, &c. Written by himself, now alive. London: printed for W. Chetwood, at Cato's Head, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; T. Jauncy, at the Angel without Temple-Bar; A. Bettesworth, in Pater-Noster-Row; J. Brotherton, W. Meadows in Cornhill; and J. Graves, in St. James's-Street, 1720. ESTC No. T72045. Grub Street ID 295598.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. South-sea; or, the biters bit. A tragi-comi-pastoral farce. Humbly offer'd to the reading of an honest director. London: printed and sold by J. Roberts, 1720. ESTC No. T1727. Grub Street ID 210115.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages, dangerous adventures, and imminent escapes of Capt. Rich. Falconer. Containing, the laws, customs, and manners of the Indians in America; his Shipwrecks; his Marrying an Indian Wife; his narrow Escape from the Island of Dominico, &c. Intermix'd with the voyages and adventures of Thomas Randal, of Cork, pilot; with his Shipwreck in the Baltick, being the only Man that escap'd: His being taken by the Indians of Virginia, &c. And an Account of his Death. London: printed for J. Marshal, at the Bible in Grace-Church-Street; W. Chetwood, in the Passage to the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane; N. Cox, in Story's Passage, St. James's Park, going into Westminster; and T. Edlin, at the Prince's-Arms, over-against Exeter-Exchange in the Strand, MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T72046. Grub Street ID 295599.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady with whom he made his surprizing escape from Barbary; the history of an Italian captive; and the life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing Turns of Fortune. To which is added, the voyage, shipwreck, and miraculous preservation, of Richard Castelman, Gent. With a Description of the City of Philadelphia, and the Country of Pensylvania. London: printed for John Watts, at the printing-office in Wild-Court, near Lincolns-Inn Fields, 1726. ESTC No. T144534. Grub Street ID 191400.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English Lady with whom he made his surprizing Escape from Barbary; The History of an Italian Captive; and the Life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing Turns of Fortune. To which is added, The voyage, shipwreck, and miraculous preservation of Richard Castelman, gent. With a Description of the City of Philadelphia, and the Country of Pensylvania. London: printed: and sold by Andrew Millar, at Buchanan's Head, against St. Clement's Church in the Strand, MDCCXXVIII. [1728]. ESTC No. T70067. Grub Street ID 293855.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The lover's opera. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's servants. By Mr. Chetwood. Dublin: printed by S. Powell, for George Risk, George Ewing, and William Smith, 1729. ESTC No. N3170. Grub Street ID 20574.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The lovers opera. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty's servants. By Mr. Chetwood. London: printed: and sold by A. Dodd, 1729. ESTC No. N3171. Grub Street ID 20584.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The lover's opera. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty's servants. By Mr. Chetwood, prompter to the Theatre. London: printed: and sold by A. Dodd, at the Peacock without Temple-Bar, MDCCXXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T57278. Grub Street ID 283562.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The lovers opera. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty's servants. By Mr. Chetwood. The third edition, with alterations: and the musick prefix'd to each song. London: printed for John Watts, at the Printing-Office in Wild-Court, near Lincolns-Inn Fields, MDCCXXX. [1730]. ESTC No. T1726. Grub Street ID 210029.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The generous Free-Mason: or, the constant lady. With the humours of Squire Noodle, and his Man Doodle. A tragi-comi-farcical ballad opera. In three acts. With the musick prefix'd to each song. By the author of the lover's opera. London: printed for J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, MDCCXXXI. [1731]. ESTC No. T1755. Grub Street ID 212581.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages dangerous adventures and imminent escapes of Capt. Rich. Falconer. Containing the laws, customs, and manners of the Indians in America; ... Intermix'd with the voyages and adventures of Thomas Randal, of Cork, pilot; ... And an account of his death. The fourt edition corrected. To which is added, A great deliverance at sea, by William Johnson, ... London: printed for J. Marshall, 1734. ESTC No. N48533. Grub Street ID 33069.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages dangerous adventures and imminent escapes of Capt. Rich. Falconer. Containing the laws, customs, and manners of the Indians in America; ... Intermix'd with the voyages and adventures of Thomas Randal, of Cork, pilot; ... And an account of his death. The fourt edition corrected. To which is added, a great deliverance at sea, by William Johnson, ... London: printed for J. Marshall, 1734. ESTC No. N24. Grub Street ID 13361.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English Lady with whom he made his surprizing Escape from Barbary: The History of an Italian Captive; and the Life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing Turns of Fortune. To which is added, the voyage, shipwreck, and miraculous preservation of Richard Castelman, Gent. With a Description of the City of Philadelphia, and the Country of Pensylvania. London: printed for J. Watts; and sold by J. Osborn, at the Golden-Ball in Paternoster-Row, MDCCXXXV. [1735]. ESTC No. T66397. Grub Street ID 291145.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages, travels and adventures, of William Owen Gwin Vaughan, Esq; With the history of his brother Jonathan Vaughan, six years a slave in Tunis. Intermix'd with the histories of Clerimont, Maria, Eleanora, and others. Full of Various Turns of Fortune. Volume the First. London: printed for J. Watts: and sold by J. Osborn, at the Golden-Ball in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXVI. [1736]. ESTC No. T71899. Grub Street ID 295452.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary: the history of an Italian captive; and the life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. ... To which is added, the voyage, shipwreck, and miraculous preservation of Richard Castelman, ... Dublin: printed for George Golding, 1741. ESTC No. N64058. Grub Street ID 46118.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. Five new novels, viz. I. The twins; ... II. The stepmother; ... III. The inhuman uncle; ... IV. The virgin widow. V. Adrastus and Olinda; ... Written by W. R. Chetwood, ... London: printed: and sold by W. Lewis; S. Gray; R. Montague; W. Shropshire; R. Stag; Mrs. Brett's; J. Roberts; and at the author's lodgings, 1741. ESTC No. N6830. Grub Street ID 49732.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The twins: or, the female traveller. A novel. Written by Mr. Cd, author of Faulconer, Boyle, and Vaughan's voyages, &c. London: printed in the year 1742-3, and may be had of all hawkers in town and country, [1743]. ESTC No. T107657. Grub Street ID 160670.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The dramatic congress. A short state of the stage under the present management. ... In a letter to Messieurs B-th and W-ks, in the shades, from W. R. C-d, nuper monitor Theat. Reg. Londin. & nunc Eblanensis. London: printed for M. Cooper, 1743. ESTC No. T34921. Grub Street ID 265149.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady with whom he made his surprizing escape from Barbary: the history of an Italian captive; and the life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. ... To which is added, the voyage, shipwreck, and miraculous preservation of Richard Castelman, ... [Wolverhampton]: Liverpool. Printed by Adam Sadler. Wolverhampton. Reprinted by Geo. Wilson, 1744. ESTC No. T179754. Grub Street ID 216460.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, into several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the Story of Mrs. Villars, an English Lady, with whom he made his surprizing Escape from Barbary. The History of an Italian Captive. The Life of Don Pedro Aquilio. &c. To which is added, The Voyage, Shipwreck and Miraculous Preservation of Richard Castelman, Gent. With a Description of the City of Philadelphia, and the Country of Pensylvania. Full of various and amazing turns of fortune. [Wolverhampton]: Liverpool: printed by Adam Sadler. Wolverhampton: re-printed by Geo. Wilson, M,DCC,XLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T111626. Grub Street ID 163859.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. A tour through Ireland. In several entertaining letters. Wherein the present state of that kingdom is considered; and the most noted cities, towns, ... are described. Interspersed with observations on the manners, customs, ... of that country. Part I. Containing, the authors journey from London to Holy-head, ... Their passage from thence to Cork, ... Humbly inscribed to the Physico-Historical Society. Dublin: printed for Peter Wilson, 1746. ESTC No. T178287. Grub Street ID 215226.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. A tour through Ireland. In several entertaining letters. Wherein the present state of that kingdom is considered; and the most noted cities, towns, ... are described. Interspersed with observations on the manners, customs, ... of that country. To which is prefixed, a description of the road from London to Holy-Head. By two English gentlemen. Dublin: printed for Peter Wilson, 1748. ESTC No. T212500. Grub Street ID 239640.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary: the history of an Italian captive; and the life of Don Aquilio, &c. ... To which is added, the voyage, shipwreck, and miraculous preservation, of Richard Castelman, ... Dublin: printed for George Golding, 1748. ESTC No. N64059. Grub Street ID 46119.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. Kilkenny: or, the old man's wish. By W. R. Chetwood. Dublin: printed for the author, and sold by G. Faulkner, in Essex Street, G. and A. Ewing, and P. Wilson in Dame-Street, and J. Esdall, on Cork-Hill, 1748. ESTC No. T11385. Grub Street ID 165715.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. A general history of the stage, from its origin in Greece down to the present time. With the Memoirs of most of the principal Performers that have appeared on the English and Irish Stage for these last Fifty Years. With Notes, Antient, Modern, Foreign, Domestic, Serious, Comic, Moral, Merry, Historical, and Geographical, containing many Theatrical Anecdotes; also several Pieces of Poetry, never before published. Collected and digested by W. R. Chetwood, Twenty Years Prompter to his Majesty's Company of Comedians at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, London. London: printed for W. Owen, near Temple-Bar, M,DCC,XLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T88607. Grub Street ID 308565.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. A general history of the stage; (more particularly the Irish theatre) from its origin in Greece down to the present time. With the Memoirs of most of the principal Performers, that have appeared on the Dublin Stage, for the last Fifty Years. With Notes, Antient, Modern, Foreign, Domestic, Serious, Comic, Moral, Merry, Historical, and Geographical, containing many Theatrical Anecdotes; also several Pieces of Poetry, never before published. Collected and digested by W. R. Chetwood, Twenty Years Prompter to his Majesty's Company of Comedians of the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, London. Dublin: printed by E. Rider in George's lane, for the author, and sold by Messieurs Ewing, Wilson, Esdall, and James, Booksellers in Dublin, and Mr. Sullivan in Cork, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T88608. Grub Street ID 308566.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The British theatre. Containing the lives of the English dramatic poets; with an account of all their plays. Together with the lives of most of the principal actors, as well as poets. To which is prefixed, a short view of the rise and progress of the English stage. Dublin: printed for Peter Wilson, in Dame-Street, M,DCC,L. [1750]. ESTC No. T88605. Grub Street ID 308563.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages, dangerous adventures, and miraculous escapes of Capt. Richard Falconer. Containing, the laws, customs, and manners of the Indians in America; ... Intermix'd with the voyages and adventures of Thomas Randal, of Cork, pilot; ... Dublin: printed for, and sold by the editor W. R. Chetwood; G. Risk, Messrs. G. and A. Ewing, P. Wilson, R. James [and 7 others in Dublin], 1752. ESTC No. T175705. Grub Street ID 212768.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The British theatre. Containing the lives of the English dramatic poets; with an account of all their plays. Together with the lives of most of the principal actors, as well as Poets. To which is prefixed, A short View of the Rise and Progress of the English Stage. London: printed for R. Baldwin, jun. in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.LII. [1752]. ESTC No. T88606. Grub Street ID 308564.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English Lady, with whom he made his surprising Escape from Barbary. The History of an Italian Captive; and the Life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing Turns of Fortune. To which is added, the voyage, shipwreck, and miraculous preservation of Richard Castelman, Gent. With a Description of the City of Philadelphia, and the Country of Pensylvania. London: printed by and for J. Watts at the Printing-Office in Wild-Court near Lincolns-Inn-Fields, MDCCLII. [1752]. ESTC No. T220502. Grub Street ID 244169.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages, travels and adventures, of Williamowenguinvaughan, Esq; with the history of his brother Jonathan Vaughan, Six Years a Slave in Tunis. Intermix'd with the Histories of Maria, Clerimont, Eleanora, and Others. Full of various Turns of Fortune. Dublin: printed, and sold by the editor, W.R. Chetwood, in the Four-Court-Marshalsea; Messrs. G. Risk, G. and A. Ewing, P. Wilson, R. James, R. Main, S. Price, M. Williamson, W. Whetstone and B. Edmond, in Dame-Street; G. Faulkner, in Essex-Street; J. Esdall, on Cork-Hill; S. Cotter, and R. Watts, in Skinner-Row; T. Watson, in Caple-Street; Booksellers in Dublin; and J. Hay, Bookseller, in Belfast, 1754. ESTC No. T138251. Grub Street ID 186125.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. Memoirs of the life and writings of Ben. Jonson, Esq; Poet Laureat to King James the First, and King Charles the First. With An Abstract of the Lives of their Favourites, Somerset and Buckingham. Collected from the Writings of the most eminent Historians, and interspersed with the Pasquils of those Times. To which are added, Two Comedies, (wrote by Ben. Jonson, &c. and not printed in his Works) called The Widow, and Eastward Hoe. By W. R. Chetwood. Dublin: printed for, and sold by, W. R. Chetwood, at the Green Door, the Entrance of the Four-Court-Marshalsea; and by Messrs. G. and A. Ewing, P. Wilson, R. James, S. Price, and J. Rudd, in Dame-Street; J. Grierson and Company, and G. Faulkner, in Essex-street; C. Wynne, in Caple-street; L. Flin, in Castle-street; and W. Whet-stone, in Skinner-row; Booksellers in Dublin; and J. Hay, Bookseller, in Belfast, 1756. ESTC No. T57279. Grub Street ID 283563.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his suprising escape from Barbary: likewise including the history of an Italian captive and the Life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing Turns of Fortune. London: printed (by assignment from Mr. Watts) for T. Lownds, at his Circulating Library in Fleet-Street, MDCCLIX. [1759]. ESTC No. T78252. Grub Street ID 300119.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary. Likewise including the history of an Italian captive and The life of Don Pedro Aquilio, etc. Full of various and amazing turns of fortune. London: printed in the year, 1760. ESTC No. T223726. Grub Street ID 246216.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages, Travels, and Adventures, of William Owen Gwin Vaughan, Esq; with the history of his brother Jonathan Vaughan, Six Years a Slave in Tunis. Intermix'd with the Histories of Clerimont, Maria, Eleanora, and Others. Full of Various Turns of Fortune. By the author of Captain Robert Boyle. Volume the First. London: printed for T. Lownds, at his Circulating Library, in Fleet-Street, MDCCLX. [1760]. ESTC No. T57320. Grub Street ID 283599.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary: Likewise including the history of an Italian captive and the life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing Turns of Fortune. London: printed for T. Lownds, in Fleet-Street, MDCCLXII. [1762]. ESTC No. T119326. Grub Street ID 170747.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages, dangerous adventures, and imminent escapes, of Capt. Richard Falconer. Containing the laws, customs, and manners of the Indians in America; his Shipwrecks; his marrying an Indian Wife; his remarkable Escape from the Island of Dominico. &c. Intermixed with the voyages and adventures of Thomas Randal, of Cork, pilot; with his Shipwreck in the Baltick, being the only Man that escaped; his being taken by the Indians of Virginia, &c. and an account of his death. The fifth edition, corrected. To which is added, a great deliverance at sea, by W. Johnson, D. D. Chaplain to his Majesty. London: printed for G. Keith in Gracechurch-Street, 1764. ESTC No. N63241. Grub Street ID 45455.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary. Likewise including the history of an Italian captive, and the life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing turns of fortune. London: printed in the year, 1764. ESTC No. N55680. Grub Street ID 39098.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary: likewise including the history of an Italian captive and the life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. ... Dublin: printed for Peter Wilson; and Elizabeth Watts, 1765. ESTC No. T175697. Grub Street ID 212758.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages, dangerous adventures, and imminent escapes, of Capt. Richard Falconer. Containing the laws, customs, and manners of the Indians in America; ... Intermixed with the voyages and adventures of Thomas Randal, of Cork, pilot; ... and an account of his death. The sixth edition, corrected. To which is added, a great deliverance at sea, by W. Johnson, ... London: printed for G. Keith, and F. Blyth, 1769. ESTC No. N32514. Grub Street ID 21130.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Capt. Robert Boyle, who was taken into slavery ... with Mrs. Villars, an English lady, who was also in slavery with him. In which is interspersed, the history of Antonio Alvares, an Italian, who was also in slavery with them and The life and adventures of Don Pedro Aquilio. To which is added The voyage and shipwreck of Richard Castelinan ... with a description of Pensyvania [sic] and Philadelphia. London: printed for J. Ford and sold by S. Gamidge, 1772. ESTC No. N66745. Grub Street ID 48433.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermixed with the story of Mrs Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary. Likewise including the history of an Italian captive and the life of Don Pedro Aquilio, etc. ... Edinburgh: printed by Alex. M'Caslan, and sold at his shop, 1773. ESTC No. N55677. Grub Street ID 39096.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermixed with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprizing escape from Barbary: Likewise including the history of an Italian captive, and the Life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing Turns of Fortune. London: printed for T. Lowndes, in Fleet-Street, MDCCLXXVI. [1776]. ESTC No. T80865. Grub Street ID 301812.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Capt. Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermixed with the story of Mrs Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary. Likewise including the history of an Italian captive, and the life of Don Pedro Aquilo. ... Edinburgh: printed for L Forsyth, 1777. ESTC No. N64056. Grub Street ID 46116.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermixed with the story of Mrs Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary. Likewise including the history of an Italian captive, and the life of Don Pedro Aquilo, &c. ... Edinburgh: printed for P. Anderson, 1778. ESTC No. T175699. Grub Street ID 212760.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermixed with the story of Mrs. Villars, ... To which is added the voyage, shipwreck, and miraculous preservation of Richard Castelman, gent. With a description of the city of Philadelphia, and the country of Pensilvania. [London?]: Printed in the year, 1781. ESTC No. N63730. Grub Street ID 45847.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The lovers opera. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Written by Mr. Chetwood. London: printed for Harrison and Co. no 18, Paternoster-Row; and sold, likewise by J. Wenman, Fleet-street; and all other booksellers, MDCCLXXXI. [1781]. ESTC No. T38707. Grub Street ID 268142.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermixed with the story of Mrs Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary. Likewise including, the history of an Italian captive, and the life of Don Pedro Aquilo, &c. ... Edinburgh: printed for William Coke, Leith, 1785. ESTC No. T175701. Grub Street ID 212764.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages, dangerous adventures and imminent escapes of Captain Richard Falconer: containing the laws, customs, and manners of the Indians in America; ... Intermix'd with the voyages and adventures of Thomas Randal, of Cork, pilot; ... Written by himself. Manchester: printed by J. Imison, 1785. ESTC No. T217841. Grub Street ID 242631.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermixed with the story of Mrs. Villars, ... To which is added the voyage, shipwreck, and miraculous preservation of Richard Castelman, gent. With a description of the city of Philadelphia, and the country of Pensilvania. Wigan: printed by William Bancks, 1786. ESTC No. N64057. Grub Street ID 46117.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world: Intermixed with the story of Mrs Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary. Likewise including, the history of an Italian captive, and the life of Don Pedro Aquilo, &c. ... London: printed for W. Lowndes, 1787. ESTC No. N64052. Grub Street ID 46113.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermixed with the story of Mrs Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary. Likewise including the history of an Italian captive, and the life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Describing various and amazing turns of fortune. London: printed for W. Osborne, and T. Griffin; and J. Mozley, Gainsborough, [1790?]. ESTC No. N55679. Grub Street ID 39097.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermixed with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary. Likewise including The history of an Italian captive, and the Life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing turns of fortune. Boston: Printed and sold by John W. Folsom, no. 30, Union-Street near the market, M,DCCXCII. [1792]. ESTC No. W28551. Grub Street ID 338729.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world, intermixed with the story of Mrs. Villars, ... The history of an Italian captive, and the life of Don Aquilio, ... London: printed for W. Osborne, and T. Griffin; and J. Mozley, 1792. ESTC No. N66746. Grub Street ID 48434.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world, intermixed with the story of Mrs. Villars, ... The history of an Italian captive; and the life of Don Aquilio, ... Dublin: printed by Richard Cross, 1792. ESTC No. N65313. Grub Street ID 47207.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The remarkable history of Miss Villars. Daughter of an eminent merchant of Bristol in old England. Containing, an account of her miraculous escape from her seducer. [Two lines of quotations]. Norwich [Conn.]: --Printed by John Trumbull, M,DCC,XCIII. [1793]. ESTC No. W21762. Grub Street ID 331550.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermixed with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary. Likewise including the history of an Italian captive, and the life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing turns of fortune. [Greenfield]: Printed at Greenfield, Massachusetts by Thomas Dickman: for Thomas & Andrews, and David West; sold at their respective bookstores, in Boston, and by the printer, in Greenfield, M,DCC,XCIV. [1794]. ESTC No. W27162. Grub Street ID 337254.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The remarkable history of Miss Villars. Daughter of an eminent merchant in Bristol, who was betrayed by her maid, and confined on board of a ship. Shewing how the captain endeavored to seduce her. How his wicked designs were frustrated, with an account of her captivity b the Moors, and her escape from them. Extracted from the adventures of Capt. Robert Boyle. Keene--Newhampshire: Printed & sold by C. Sturtevant, Jun. & Co, M,DCC,XCV. [1795]. ESTC No. W9744. Grub Street ID 358927.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The remarkable history of Miss Villars. Daughter of an eminent merchant in Bristol, who was betrayed by her maid, and confined on board of a ship. Shewing how the captain endeavored to seduce her. How his wicked designs were frustrated, with an account of her captivity b the Moors, and her escape from them. Extracted from the Adventures of Capt. Robert Boyle. Keene--Newhampshire: Printed & sold by C. Sturtevant, Jun. & Co, M,DCC,XCV. [1795]. ESTC No. W21763. Grub Street ID 331551.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Itermixed [sic] with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary. Likewise including the history of an Italian captive, and the life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Describing various and amazing turns of fortune. Cooperstown [N.Y.]: Printed by E. Phinney, for Spencers & Webb, Market-Street, Albany, M,DCC,XCVI. [1796]. ESTC No. W28552. Grub Street ID 338730.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermixed with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary. Likewise including the history of an Italian captive, and the Life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Describing various and amazing turns of fortune. New-York: Printed by William A. Davis, for E. Duyckinck, & Co. T. & J. Swords, T. Allen, and C. Davis, 1796. ESTC No. W41446. Grub Street ID 351274.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world: intermixed with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English Lady, with whom he made his surprizing Escape from Barbary. Likewise including the history of an Italian captive, and the life of Don Pedro Aquillo. Full of the Most Various as well as Surprizing Turns of Fortune. London: printed for W. Lane, Leadenhall-Street, 1797. ESTC No. T70725. Grub Street ID 294384.
  • Chetwood, William Rufus. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermixed with the story of Miss Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary. Likewise including the history of an Italian captive, and the life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing turns of fortune. Walpole, Newhamphire: Printed by David Carlisle, for Thomas & Thomas; and sold at the Walpole bookstore, 1799. ESTC No. W28553. Grub Street ID 338731.